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  1. Nym

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    Someone is out to make your life difficult. If your shed etc conformed to code at the time of build, you don't have to do anything. Car parts etc are your property and unless they are out front blocking pedestrian access etc, there is nothing anyone can do.
  2. Nym

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    No, no, it was showing how a class action changed a Strata Act re wkycongae mentioning HOA rules. Strata is similar to the HOA.
  3. Nym

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    2011: My daughter and husband bought into a Strata complex: no pets allowed. no remodelling allowed. $400k for a box on concrete in Sydney City East. Guess what. Almost every apartment had a dog / cats. She ended up getting aircon installed and there wasn't a thing Strata management could do...
  4. Nym

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    yes, I have watched small rats run off with the remains of a cob. The eaten cob would also be good for general gnawing to keep the rat's teeth down.
  5. Nym

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    I'm thinking the neighbour has called out the City for not upholding it's zoning laws and that's why they are now forced to come the heavy; why it's no longer in their hands? Someone has gone higher, maybe lobbied a local pollie with a parrot on his shoulder.
  6. Nym

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    Ok, so who understands all those numbers and symbols in the above letter from Officialdom ?
  7. Nym

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    Just a thought. Are you sure it's this neighbour that complained? I'm just thinking someone called the city on your neighbour to make them get rid of their chickens. Maybe it's that same neighbour who complained about your roosters. The city isn'y allowed to state which neighbour complained, so...
  8. Nym

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    My dog killed a few this summer, and when I opened the shed I discovered a new bag of Blood and Bone had been opened by the rats! The shed is in the chicken yard but dogs and chickens don't have free access so I threw basic supermarket ratsack baits in the shed, in the compost bin and under the...
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