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  1. My15Ducks

    Shy Puppy?

    Oops, I wasn’t done typing 😅 You asked if your sheltie can become comfortable around people with more socializing. Absolutely! Many shelties love people. Of course I can’t say how your Sheltie in particular will turn out, but don’t give up. I would focus on rewarding your dog for calm behavior...
  2. My15Ducks

    Shy Puppy?

    How old is your Sheltie? I know some people say “Don’t pet my dog, he bites” and that works for them. Personally I don’t, because I’m worried people will overreact. I just say “I’m sorry, he’s afraid of children”, or something like that. And move farther away if I have to. It’s awful that some...
  3. My15Ducks

    Shy Puppy?

    Hi, I have 3 shelties. They are a wonderful breed, but they aren’t necessarily golden retriever type friendly with other people. I have one Sheltie who I would describe as reactive/insecure with children. But because I’m very cautious he’s never had an incident in the 2.5 years I’ve had him...
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