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  1. A

    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (Tue Jun 4 - Day 47) Getting dressed to get the oldest kid off to camp around 8AM when I hear a noise. I think it's the dachshund - Chihuahua mix (always crying about something or another, usually food), but it seems faint. Send the kiddo to investigate the chickens (still in the garage while we...
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    Yep, familiar with that concept, but the funny part is that Carrie, the one roosting by herself, is the one who is usually pecking at every one except the two oldest when they're eating or scratching on the ground floor.
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (May 29 - Day 41) Came home from our evening out at the soccer game to find them like this: 3 roosting bars, but 9/10 had to pile onto the top bar. Haven't caught them doing this before or after. It was probably 90F out at the time, so it wasn't snuggling for warmth, either. Just being silly. 😜
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (May 23 - Day 35) Spent a lot of time at hardware stores and online shopping, but the last week has been crazy busy with dance recitals, parent pop ins at school, and today was the last day of school. After last night's coop clean out of the Garage Mahal, we moved the stand to a different part...
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    Thanks for all the great info! We're still learning, so plenty of fun new things to read up on. Here's a better picture zoomed in on their faces. Now to read up on what it even means to have a pea comb. 😁
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (May 13 - Day 25) We did some minor tweaks to the Garage Mahal over the weekend: Did a full tray clean out, noting that a lot of the pine shavings were soaked and gross. Those gravity feeders are tricky to balance just right, and the chicks kept knocking into them or trying to stand on top of...
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (May 8 - Day 20) I caught the bug that my wife had, so I haven't been 100% and we've had rain for about a week straight so I've mostly been hunkering down indoors. I noticed that the City of Austin regulations listed here were out of date, so I made a new post Today, the sun came out, so run v1...
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    We asked around and one of the classmates' families also identified their take home chickens as White Leghorns, so crossing our fingers that that's what we ended up with. At least then we only have to worry about in-city rooster issues and not freezer camp for the time being.
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    @NatJ here's a better picture of our "Mrs." Doubtfire.
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    Which one(s)? The two big ones we brought home were from the kiddo's school, so we knew that was a possibility, but we have been happily in denial for now. From my wife's amateur research, she thinks the two we got are Cornish hens, but we are absolute newbies at this.
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    Thanks for the suggestions and more importantly the photos to go with them! While the pavings stones and bricks before them work much better than just sitting them on the ground, the biggest girls love kicking shavings all about, making a mess. I've been thinking about nipple feeders for a...
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    It's been a busy few weeks with the eldest junior chicken keeper's birthday, so an update was overdue. (Wed May 1st - Day 13) Last picture of "the big kids" before they moved to a new home. This brooder is getting crowded! Time to haul everything home from Tractor Supply: Unpacked the...
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    Saw this a while back and forgot to reply. Well shoot. We hadn't named those two and have no idea what to call them yet. We've just been calling them small barred rock and large barred rock. 🤣
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    No, not yet, but I will! Still finding my way around here.
  15. A

    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    BTW, the bricks and pavers I had laying around have worked wonderfully. Thanks!
  16. A

    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    Thanks for the advice. Their current bins are both about 18"x27". The two oldest ones seemed a touch aggressive on day one after just adding the two barred rocks, so we thought it might be better to keep all the littles away from them at first. Perhaps that idea was misguided. Might look into...
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    The coop is being delivered to TSC for pickup in a few days, but I wanted to build one myself anyway, so they'll probably have a second coop by summer. By my calculations, even with the single coop I'll have 9' of roosting bars and ~13-14 sq ft of interior space in the coop counting the nest...
  18. A

    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? While we've joked about having our own supply of fresh eggs, we never planned to raise chickens. As of last Friday we're now backyard chicken farmers(well garage, for now)! Here's our timeline: Thu: Our older child's class hatched 6...
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