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  1. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    I use gelatin capsules for giving meds to any of the girls. For the Fluconazole I stuck it in a size 1 gelatin capsule and just get her beak open and pop it down. Also could wet a piece of bread and put the Fluconazole on it and a bit of butter over the whole thing to hide the meds and she...
  2. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    Avian vets will see any bird including poultry. There are quite a few avian vets in North Carolina, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting her to one. I'd be fairly certain too that if you do a good ring around you'll find regular vets who will also see your hen and may be able to provide an...
  3. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    I'm in Ireland, Europe. To prevent her from laying she'd need to be kept in around the clock for about a week. Then you could gradually let her out for an hour here and there. It's much easier to get her an implant. Total pain in the ass having to keep them in the dark all the time, plus they...
  4. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    The Fluconazole should work on a semi-full crop without you having to get the contents removed. My girl's crop was much improved after the 1st tablet and I didn't do any crop emptying with her. Yeah she could easily have a repro issue that's causing or adding to the problem. Mine had a repro...
  5. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    Hi. I'd give her 2-3mls of garlic water (cloves blended up in water) every 2-3 hours and leave some kefir out for her to eat freely. If no improvement after 3 days of this treatment I'd get a prescription for Fluconazole from the vet. This will do the trick provided there's no blockage past the...
  6. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    Yes I know sour crop can be a nightmare. I'll give the back story in case it will help anyone else with a similar issue. Get the coffee out and brace yourselves for an essay😅 So this lady presented with a full crop of liquid and a hard, swollen abdomen. I treated the sour crop at home for 5 days...
  7. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    Ok and in your experience will it go to work on the yeast from inside her crop (which is full to brim with fluid) without having to pass through her gut? Because this tablet won't be able to pass through her crop to be digested if you get me? It's not going to get past all the fluid and I can't...
  8. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    Thank you. It's definitively sour crop. Crop full of fluid, regurgitating liquid. No impaction and she has been checked by the exotic vets who have said there is no blockage further on. I need a recommendation for an anti-fungal that will work direct as it hits the crop. Nothing is getting...
  9. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    Hi Azygous! Location is Ireland, Europe. Would Fluconazole be an option?
  10. G

    Anti-fungal for sour crop.

    Hi All, I have a hen with sour crop. Regurgitating liquid, etc. I need a recommendation on an anti-fungal that will treat the yeast directly in her crop without having to go through her digestive system as nothing is getting through her crop at the moment with all the liquid. It's not an option...
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