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  1. M

    What age did your bantam cochins start laying?

    Very cute. Are those special cochins? I've never seen like that before. Are they a mix?
  2. M

    What age did your bantam cochins start laying?

    Oh definitely. My rooster had matured a lot.
  3. M

    What age did your bantam cochins start laying?

    That was a few weeks ago.
  4. M

    What age did your bantam cochins start laying?

    Wow, you know the date and time lol. I bought mine pair at TSC first Thursday of April. They were already fully feathered, so I FIGURED they were already 4 weeks old . Maybe they are older or younger who knows. Now my cochin rooster is running a harem of 4 adult big girls. They let him get...
  5. M

    What age did your bantam cochins start laying?

    I love this color egg. I don't have anything like that. Yes, I was thinking about letting her hatch 6 in hope to get maybe 2 rooster and 2 hens. I have friends asking for sets of my white fluff balls. Can't wait 😁
  6. M

    What age did your bantam cochins start laying?

    Ok great. How big are the eggs? What color are the eggs? Do they go broody? Can they sit on eggs and raise babies? Let's keep our fingers crossed for beginning of October. I have a pair of white bantam cochin I'll like to get a few babies from.
  7. M

    What age did your bantam cochins start laying?

    Did you find out? I have a 14 weeks and she's not laying yet but squatting (I think). But I read they lay when they are between 9 months to a year. So we have a while to go.. hopefully she will start laying by January and maybe hatch a few babies in the spring.
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