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  1. NatJ

    Only 1 chick survived hatching with broody hen. Is it easy/ok to purchase a few more to add?

    If you want to try it, I would go for the younger chicks. There are two issues: --whether the hen will accept the chicks --whether the chicks will view the hen as "mother," follow her around, snuggle under her to keep warm, and so forth. For that, the younger the chicks, the better it works. Up...
  2. NatJ

    Only 1 chick survived hatching with broody hen. Is it easy/ok to purchase a few more to add?

    I have done it a number of times, with mixed results, so that's why my "it might..." kind of answers. This is one of those things where individual hens vary so much there is no simple answer that works for all of them.
  3. NatJ

    Only 1 chick survived hatching with broody hen. Is it easy/ok to purchase a few more to add?

    It might work, or it might not. The hen might refuse to take the new babies, because they look or act differently. Or she might accept them just fine. I've had either one happen. If the hen accepts the chicks, there is a chance that she may expect them to follow her around like the week-old...
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