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  1. AATH

    RIR confusion

    Thanks for the responses everyone! She has the biggest comb of all of mine and I thought the astralorps would grow bigger,faster. I was starting to worry again.
  2. AATH

    RIR confusion

    UPDATE!!! 15 weeks. Still thinking hen?
  3. AATH

    RIR confusion

    Lol I didn't even see that. That's funny
  4. AATH

    RIR confusion

    My 9 year old picked her out from a pullet bin at tractor supply.
  5. AATH

    RIR confusion

    So this comb grew this big within a day or two so I was sure cockerel. But now at almost 9 weeks it hasn't grown any and still just a tiny bit of red. Plus no wattles. What does everyone else think?
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