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  1. TheRealRyanGosling

    I need art practice(I will *Try* to draw your poultry)

    What a great interactive coop these beauts have! Looks enriching and it's fun to add levels and toys and ramps leading places then observe their personalities and interests. Very pretty ladies.💯
  2. TheRealRyanGosling

    I need art practice(I will *Try* to draw your poultry)

    Last summer a Canadian goose kept using our pool on hot days. Don't worry we use well water, no chlorine or chemicals because of the wildlife and animals! We get all kinds of birds. But a goose was shocking. Best summer visitor we ever had. My family and I were always anamored by her antics...
  3. TheRealRyanGosling

    I need art practice(I will *Try* to draw your poultry)

    This is Ryan Gosling and he says he supports your art venture and even if he's a characiture like at the state fair he's honored to have your attention! I'm currently getting ready for my first painting class with my mom at a local winery. Art is something I always wished I was good at. Cheers...
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