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  1. Chichin Mama

    Calling all d'Uccle experts

    Thank you to everyone for the responses! I figured they were probably all boys, but I was hoping at least one was a pullet. I appreciate everyone who took the time to respond and help me!
  2. Chichin Mama

    Calling all d'Uccle experts

    I do have other hens, but these are my only bantams. And I have other standard roosters, so unfortunately I am going to have to find them a new home. Thank you so much for your help!
  3. Chichin Mama

    Calling all d'Uccle experts

    I hatched out the 3 Mille Fleurs from a Mille Fleur d'Uccle pair I had in my existing flock. The 3 porcelain d'Uccles I bought from the TSC straight run bantam bin.
  4. Chichin Mama

    Calling all d'Uccle experts

    I have six d'Uccle chicks (3 porcelain d'Uccles and 3 mille Fleurs) and I am stumped on the genders of these guys. Are all of them roosters? These Mille Fleur d'Uccles are 10 weeks old. #1 #2 #3 The Porcelain d'Uccles are seven weeks old. #1 #2 #3 I'd appreciate any help...
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