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  1. SandyRiverChick

    Vet said Marek's, I'm not so sure. Help?

    Excellent! I had this same situation a few months ago. Coach723 really helped me. You've got great help here already but if the situation continues to be complicated, I recommend getting help from Coach. I treated mine for Coccidiosis and for sour/impacted crop. She almost made it. Unfortunately...
  2. SandyRiverChick

    Vet said Marek's, I'm not so sure. Help?

    Sorry, didn't see post from Tilly. Clearly we agree on this. Good luck!
  3. SandyRiverChick

    Vet said Marek's, I'm not so sure. Help?

    Start all on Corid and give sick one a direct Corid dose. Make sure that you're not giving anything extra like vitamins. Just water and feed.
  4. SandyRiverChick

    Vet said Marek's, I'm not so sure. Help?

    I agree with this and my recent experience with impacted crop is that in young birds it can be due to Coccidiosis, so good to treat for that too.
  5. SandyRiverChick

    Vet said Marek's, I'm not so sure. Help?

    Depending on which Hatchery the store sources (you could call them and ask,) you're right that some vaccinate for Marek's, some do not. I agree with you that it would be strange to have only one suffering from Mareks.... You have nothing to lose, to try right away, treating for Coccidiosis...
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