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  1. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Oh, really? It's been some while since I've been out there. I kinda like my rural quiet. I mean, besides the rooster making a ruckus. Yep, I'm near Tucumcari. I've got some friends by Las Vegas, NM, so I thought about heading up there, too. But, yeah, I mean, I'm surrounded on all 4 sides by...
  2. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    I've given Ruidoso some serious consideration... But, the heat is temporary and I love it out here!
  3. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    SO unfair! I'm moving to the mountains! It's not usual for it to get this hot. Usually we don't break 100. But it'll dip back to 70 when the sun goes to bed. Tomorrow we're expected to get up to 105...
  4. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Nah, we're so flat we have the full complement of the sun's fury. It's down to like... 100? I need to start working on my windbreak! Maybe bring in some more shade cloth.
  5. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    No kidding! And I was in a basement trying to clean up an office no one's been in for 17 years. No A/C 😭 !!! But, knocked it out in the morning at least before it got too dang hot.
  6. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    I hope to get a nice mister that atomizes the water droplets and that I can customize to a point, but I waited too long to order it, so I'm using some cheapo one from walmart. However, came out with some awesome results. This is the exterior of the run: Here's under the shade cloth with...
  7. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    It's starting to heat up here! I'm glad I got some shade cloth for the whole run, plus a tarp. At least it's windy enough that there's usually a breeze. I'm kickin it up a notch with my windbreak / shade trees and investing in dripline for all of them. One of my neighbors has trees scattered...
  8. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Cold rainy day, almost like I'm not in New Mexico at all...-
  9. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Didn't you only prove them right? 🤣 Yeah, I've heard they're awfully flighty. I guess mine aren't so bad, they're as happy to investigate me when I step into the coop as the rest. When they were in the brooder, they would always rush over to see me. I guess we'll see how it ends up. I think...
  10. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Thank you so much! There's... 12... I started with 7 with the intention of ultimately having 5, expecting a few cockerels... Well, I'm sure you know what happened. 2 easter eggers, 3 barred rock, and 2 cuckoo maran who are about a month old, I reckon. 5 white leghorn who are 3 weeks. The...
  11. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    They did great! The carabiner's a great idea, thanks! And I've got plenty around. The padlock's just a spare thing I had hanging around. I don't think we have racoons out here, but I'd rather not tempt fate. They graduated to their grown up feeder and waterer! And let me know they can still...
  12. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Welcome! I lived in ABQ for many years. Now I'm out closer to Tucumcari. Yes, two flour tortillas! It had beef and rice in the inner tortilla, and unfortunately, sour cream. Which I hate and always made sure to ask for it to not be there. But, it had cheese inside the outside tortilla. I found...
  13. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    It's an old menu item from Taco Bell. It was a quesadilla wrapped around a burrito. And it was SO GOOD!!! But they removed it! Why? So sad. I always have trouble thinking up usernames and usually pick food names.
  14. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Yeah, I feel like I'm going to be fussing with this for some time, haha. I can't say I mind it. I've been thinking about poop boards. I was considering something like deep litter, since the floor is dirt. But I purposefully put the coop near my garden so I could just move chicken poop directly...
  15. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    I just got the roost braces up. The roosts are attached like this so I can remove them for deep cleaning without fussing with the blocks attached to the wall. The allure of these free 2x4's is waning... Maybe once I sand them, I'll be happier with them. I just wanted to put them up to make...
  16. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Eventually I'd like to add another shed of the same design and arrange them something like this to provide a 3 sided shelter with a lot more room. Then use the sheds for chicken-related storage, brooder, sick bay, etc.
  17. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    I am pretty worried about it getting too hot. It's shaded / protected by wind by a barn, but shade in the grassland is um... fleeting. Thankfully I'm at a high enough elevation that it rarely gets above 100 F, but does often hit 90. Unfortunately, the UV at the higher elevation means that metal...
  18. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Yep, I posted there! Hey there! I've been through MO a couple times. Way greener than NM, for sure. I decided to paint that shed white to help keep it cooler, and maybe make it look a little less ugly. Jeez, it really is a very ugly shed, huh? I've got plenty of scrap in my barn that I could...
  19. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Had a calm wind day yesterday so I put a bunch of holes in my shed, and set up the metal skeleton of my run. The chicks are already escaping the brooder, even though one batch is only 2 weeks old and the other batch is 1 week. I've found 2 2x4's in my barn, score! Free roosts! Just need to...
  20. BeefQuesoritto

    New Mexico

    Hi, I'm closest to Tucumcari, but I live pretty rural. I've lived in Albuquerque and Santa Fe too. And in Las Vegas, so whenever I hear someone say Las Vegas I think they mean NM instead of NV.
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