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    Consolidated Kansas

    I love all the talk about Christmas!! This will be the first Christmas in the new house. I really understand what you all are talking about when it comes to decorating. For several years I went overbord decorating for Halloween, myfavorate holiday by the way. After all the decorating we only...

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thank you so much for this information. I checked out the link to the RIR thread and the pictures on there are absolutely amazing!! What beautiful birds!! And your right, they are nothing like the hatchery birds that I have. I have learned so much over the past 6-8 months about chickens that...

    Consolidated Kansas

    Ok this is a little embarrassing, but I am having some trouble telling the difference between my RIR's and my production reds...I am also having a little trouble with the Australorps and Black Sex Links. Some of the Black Sex Links have pretty dark feet and some of the same coloring as the...

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks...I will check them out...

    Consolidated Kansas

    We worked all 70 of our girls yesterday. We caught them...checked them for parasites and to see who was laying and who hasn't started yet. Luckily nobody sick and no obvious problems. We banded all of our leghorns including this little girl (#84). We would work them and then let them out...

    Consolidated Kansas

    Where do you order your broilers?? I purchased 50 from a local farm store this last spring...they were great however expensive!!

    Consolidated Kansas

    My kids are starting 4h this year and they are both interested in showing chickens. I have several different breeds but I have no idea if they are show quality or not. Should I order the expensive eggs and hatch their chicks out this spring or use what we have? I really want to try to breed...

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks for all the egg pricing advice!! You guys and gals are awesome!!

    Consolidated Kansas

    I was wondering if anyone sells their farm fresh eggs and for how much?? I have 76 girls and they are just starting to lay...getting around 15 small eggs per day. What should I charge for the small eggs?? Hoping to sell some to keep feed cost down. I have both brown and white eggs. The...

    Consolidated Kansas

    I couldn't help myself...I keep a few pet store crickets on hand for my tarantula and I had to see what my little buff orps would do so...They went NUTS...they went from running from a cricket to running with a cricket to chasing the one with the cricket..It made my day!!! PRICELESS....I for...

    Consolidated Kansas

    I on the off chance anyone that lives...lets say within 50-75 miles of either Clay Center or Concordia hatched out some California White Leghorns this spring, and needs to get rid of a roo, I am looking...also would like to hatch out some guineas if anyone has eggs???

    Consolidated Kansas

    Same here we have had some lightning and a few sprinkles. Other than that I really enjoyed sitting on the porch this evening watching the lightning with only a little breeze!!! I finally got my yard cut a few days ago and it was so tall that I had to go over it twice...and my garden is still...

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks for that. From what I have read it sound like I will be trying it this weekend. I have 12 Cornish X that are nearing 6 weeks. My brother used a fish scale to weight a couple tonight and one was 8lbs 14oz and the other was 7lbs 8oz roo and hen. I don't want them to get to the point that...

    Consolidated Kansas

    Here's an excert from Storey's Guede to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow. "Debraining helps loosen feathers for hand picking. After cutting the vein for bleeding, insert your knife into the mouth, its sharp edge toward the groove at the roof. Push the knife toward the back of the skull and give...

    Consolidated Kansas

    Or what I call Thunder

    Consolidated Kansas

    Your absolutly right that they are probably Cornish X. I purchaced them at a farm store, where I have found out, are not so great at labeling their chicks. Thanks for the advice on processing!! Have you heard of inserting a small knife blade through the mouth to the back of the brain, as to...

    Consolidated Kansas

    If you lived any where closer to NC KS I would definatly take you up on your offer. Any chance you would enjoy a little road trip with a rooster?? I have 11 California white and 7 brown leghorn pullets that are 5 weeks old and as for roosters I only have two, 2 week old Buff Orp roosters. I...

    Consolidated Kansas

    If you lived any where closer to NC KS I would definatly take you up on your offer. Any chance you would enjoy a little road trip with a rooster?? I have 11 California white and 7 brown leghorn pullets that are 5 weeks old and as for roosters I only have two, 2 week old Buff Orp roosters. I...

    Consolidated Kansas

    Sorry rookie mistake....see below...I haven't figured this all out yet....

    Consolidated Kansas

    I'm also glad I found an active Kansas thread. I live in north Central KS. I currently am the proud owner of 92 chickens which consist of 10 different breeds. I am really beginning to love my buff orps. We are planning to butcher (for the first time) 12 ST Cornish. They are 5 weeks old and...
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