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  1. anthonyjames

    Pressure Cookers

    NurseDr, I have been looking at the electric ones alot. For some of the reasons you stated as well. We have been taking our kids camping and to Ultra Marathons a lot. As my wife and I run them. So I will bring a generator for the weekend if we are camping at an event or if we hotel it I...
  2. anthonyjames

    Pressure Cookers

    Beeman, I was a chef for 16 years before getting out of the restaurant biz. I needed a life. Now I work for FedEx as a programmer, have my own concrete countertop biz and now I am raising poultry and other meat animals as well. So much for having a life! But now most of my cooking is...
  3. anthonyjames

    Pressure Cookers

    So how many of you have a pressure cooker? I have been considering purchasing one but there are so many I can find I thought I would ask the group for their input. Mainly I am looking to use this for my spent hens. I would like to cook them, get the meat off of the bones then possibly can the...
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