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  1. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    Oh thanks Katharina!!!!! That might help. But usually I use peanutbutter in my traps, and it works good in live traps, and did on the snap trap, but I will try a glued seed in the future and see if it works!!
  2. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    Hey guys!!!! Sorry I haven't written in a long time!!!! But I have been trying to catch mice!!! And guess what???? Today I caught my first mouse!!!! But I have terrible news. I went out a few minutes ago and I found one in my new "Pic" brand easy set snap trap. The terrible part is that it was...
  3. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    Oh your not a twisted person I liked that idea too!! Well as to my past attempts, still no luck!!!! I left the trap out again last night, but no mice. I also have a live trap set with catfood. No luck on that either. Well I suppose that I miiight spend a liiiittle money on some kill snap traps...
  4. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    Hey everyone!!!! I'm sorry that I didn't write yesterday I was very busy. I diiiiiid find time to set the bacon-grease on a can trap on sat night!!! (arn't you proud of me!!) But I have very bad news. The trap was out on sat night and last night, AND I DIDN'T CATCH ONE MOUSE!!!!!!! I am...
  5. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    Ok everyone, tonight is the big night!!!! I'm going to hit em' with everything I've got!! Ok well not eeeeverything. Tonight I'm going to put out the tub of water with the bacon grease coated can on a wire to drown them when they fall off (wa ha ha haaaaaa!!). That idea was in on a sight in...
  6. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    Well thanks to all again!!!! I still need to try a bloating killer thing and I will soon one of these nights!!! And thanks to Tannabyky on the potato flake tip I'm so dum I wouldn't have noticed!!! I will also try the sunflower seed thing. Those little buggers will be dying soon!!!!! Wa ha...
  7. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    Quote: Oops I mean't potatoe flakes in water!!!
  8. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    Well I guess that there isn't much that I can do!!!! But thank you all for giving me suggestions!!!! I will try some more live trapping, and maybe some pepsi, or oatmeal in water. I really appreciate that you are helping me and answering my crazy questions!!!! All the ideas that you have had...
  9. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    Well thanks all!!!!! I didn't mention that I do have a mouse trap, (live), but there are so many that they just breed and breed and breed!!!! I will try to live trap, and a little kill trap, a little more. Wish me luck and thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. the lone rhubarb

    Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

    I have a large coop, almost a small building with a dirt floor (no foundation) and mice are eating all my feed!!!! They come out at night, and eat alooooot of my expensive feed!!! It is in a regular hanging feeder. I can't hang it up at night, as I'm usually busy. I have it as high as the...
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