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  1. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    We used the dresser as long as possible, and finally let it go forever. It live along time with us.
  2. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    I will go look for the Johnson's wax. I got the Howard Feed-n-Wax when I bought my spinning wheel. Maybe it is a west coast thing. I can buy it in the local hardware store.
  3. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    Quote: I have Howard Feed-n-Wax. It is bees wax and orange oil. Would that work? And is it better to have an oil finish and then wax over the top?
  4. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    Quote: I must admit that I am leaning towards no stain. I have a feeling that the color will even out with just an oil finish. The sealer that my FiL told me to use first is Benite (sp?) and then stain, and I may need to use more than one color. But that all scares me a little, and I think...
  5. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    Quote: Before you do anything...clean all surfaces with Murphy's soap. Let it dry. Anything you do to an "old" piece that affects the original finish will de-valuate the antique. Once the piece is clean, you will see if there is any residue from the original finish. If not. all you may...
  6. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    Quote: It sounds like you have one of the older French Prov. dresser. The newer ones have a baked on finish that would be extremely difficult to do anything with. I loved that style of girls bedroom set as a kid. I even bought a set for my DD when she was little. I don't remember her caring...
  7. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    From the little bit I know about oil finishes. I don't think that you need any sealer on a oil finish. I would check out about using a beeswax or lemon oil to keep the finish looking it's best. I normally use Howard Feed-n-Wax on my furniture. I have a lot of teak furnishings, and a spinning...
  8. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    Thank you everyone for the advice. I talked to my FiL aka Papa and he said that I would be the happiest with the Tung oil finish. That works for me, because it is the simplest method as far as I can tell. Now I just need to move it from the garage into the house and get busy with the finish. I...
  9. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    Quote: That would be the easiest for me to do. We used tong oil finish on the Stair way to heaven. We made this to keep the Nasty Little dogs, and one very Big dog out of the cat food.
  10. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    Okay I went and really looked at the dresser in daylight and there is a significant difference in the color between the top 3 drawers and the bottom drawer. I am just going to have to get my FiL to look at it, and hope that he knows what stain color I am going to need.
  11. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    Quote: It looks as though all the original finish has been removed. I would assume that any original finish would have been an oil based finish. So as long as I stay with an oil base I should be fine? Right?
  12. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    Okay I was told that it was maple, but I thought it looked like oak.
  13. justbugged

    How should I refinish a quarter sawn tiger stripe oak dresser?

    So I bought a birds eye maple dress for less than a 100.00 dollars. It is ready for a finish. What I need now is to know which type of finish to use. I am leaning towards varnish, but a oil finish wood be simpler to do. There is also Varathane that I could use. Also should I use stain on it. The...
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