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  1. 7L Farm

    Adding 1 to the flock!!

    I understand about adding two is easier there's only one problem I only have one. I was just trying to help her so she wouldn't have to live alone. Thanks for your help. Does anyone else have any advice.
  2. 7L Farm

    Adding 1 to the flock!!

    Quote: I do free range. The problem is space. I do have 2 coops but my other coop has 30 two week old chicks in it. What if I leave the cage in the coop & tonight put her back on the roost & tomorrow morning let them out & watch them. Won't they get use to her eventually. My flock will be...
  3. 7L Farm

    Adding 1 to the flock!!

    Quote: I'm not gonna quarantine I feel confident that the pullet is healthy. I only have a small homemade wire cage which is in the coop with the dominique inside it. Your suggesting for me to put one of my reds inside the cage with the dominique is this correct. If so how long do I leave them...
  4. 7L Farm

    Adding 1 to the flock!!

    I've never added on to my flock & the time has come. I added a roo with no problem but now I need to add 1 hen. A buddy had only one pullet left. So I took the lonely girl & now need to add her to my flock. I'm not gonna quarantine. The pullet is a dominique about 25 weeks old. I'll be adding...
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