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  1. Lisa202

    Am I the only one that can't catch my chickens to pick them up?

    Quote: I just wait until they are up on the roost at night to pick them up if I need to treat a wound or anything like that. I actually went in there last night and was petting Mister. He eventually got up and moved away from me, but at least I got in a couple a pets.
  2. Lisa202

    Am I the only one that can't catch my chickens to pick them up?

    Thanks for all the replies! I raised these chickens in a brooder box, but I think the mistake I made was that I made the brooder box very big and tall so catching them, when they were little, was very hard. They would freak out so much, that I didn't do it a lot because I didn't want to...
  3. Lisa202

    Am I the only one that can't catch my chickens to pick them up?

    I have 9 that I raised from babies in a brooder and I still am not able to pick them up. They will be 1 year in mid Sept and are all bantams (brahmas, EE's, a cochin, & a seabright). Only 1 can I actually reach out and get a quick pet, but all the others are so quick to dodge me. I read all...
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