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  1. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    I just thought today that maybe I should have marked that egg with a pencil to see if it hatches. I don't know, however, if I would even mark the right egg. I [now] have 3 blue eggs, and since it's been 4 days since I found this egg, I'm sure she's been turning them and adjusting them. This...
  2. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    Well, I had an answer from the Poultry Extension Specialist at Oregon State U. Interesting, b/c he mentions the very thing that jesslee mentioned above. I, however, am still not satisfied with his response. I hope someone at APA addresses my question. Here is his response: This is intriguing...
  3. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    I have contacted the local ag extension office and they were no help. However, they called me back and sent me to the poultry extension and I sent them an email with pics. I also sent one to someone at APA (American Poultry Association). Nothing yet, but I've only just emailed them this morning...
  4. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    I really hope I get a response from UT's Ag school... I'll post it hear as soon as I do! It's just too weird. And, yeah, I think the stain is some kind of yolk from the brown egg - who knows? One of the many chicken mysteries (like where on this property are some of my hens laying???)
  5. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    That's not possible, either, because she is separated from the other hens. And she lays brown eggs. I have sent this, with the pics, to the UT Ag department. Can't wait to hear what they say!
  6. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    Oh my gosh! I just realized: you are suggesting that I did the prank?!?!? Sorry, I'm a busy, busy person taking care of a large farm by myself, and doing a full time job, as well. So we have to rule out prank...
  7. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    Hm, good question... I don't know who would do the prank - I don't my friend is the type. And there's no one else here besides me. Besides, that would be pretty elaborate, don't you think? Who has that much time? ;-) And the outer egg was dirty and I was handling it all over as it chipped away...
  8. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    Yeah, there's a cool video somewhere on here that has a guy showing the eggs (several!) inside of an egg. But those were tiny and didn't have hard outer shells. When I shared this with my friend who gave me the eggs, she said "people really need to have chickens to truly understand the...
  9. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    Duh! the other reason I know that it wasn't this is because I started with 10 eggs and there were still 10. If a brown one had busted and the blue one slipped in, that would only have left 9 eggs...
  10. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    I don't think so b/c when I first picked it up, the brown shell was whole, except for a dime-sized piece that was missing. If you look closely at the pictures, you can see there is still far too much brown shell all the way around for another to have slip inside. Besides, when I first picked it...
  11. 2overeasy

    very strange! blue egg inside brown egg [pics]

    I have a hen sitting on 10 eggs, This morning she came out to do her business, and I took the opportunity to check on the eggs. She has been sitting for 7 days now. I noticed that one was a broken shell but still basically whole. So I pulled it out... It was a brown egg, but as I looked more...
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