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  1. Chuckcluck

    How soon to combine chicks

    Well, I combined them. Actually, I made a screened divider so they could see each other for a day, but as soon as I left the Barred Rocks tunneled under it and combined themselves with the others. I figured what the heck and took out the divider. Everyone is getting along fine.
  2. Chuckcluck

    How soon to combine chicks

    Well, there are other breeds potentially coming so this will be interesting. I am thinking of some americaunas and some olive Eggers to round out the flock so I guess a few days of isolation and then into club hen they go !!
  3. Chuckcluck

    How soon to combine chicks

    The Eggers are 2 weeks and I am guessing the Buffos are one week or so. BTW the Buffos are so friendly already!!
  4. Chuckcluck

    How soon to combine chicks

    Well, Chicken math has begun. I received 6 Easter Eggers from MPC and well, I passed the local farm store and guess what they had Buff Orpingtons. So I go home with a couple of Buff-O's. I have them in a separate brooder, but would like to combine them with the Eggers. If they behave OK for a...
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