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  1. suburbfarmgirl

    Aviary for Quail - practical housing?

    Thanks for the insight everyone! I'm in NW Washington, so it is quite wet here, but was thinking about using deep sand as the flooring. I'm still on the fence about what I want to do. I am considering a raised cage with part solid floor, part wire around the food and water, in the interest of...
  2. suburbfarmgirl

    Aviary for Quail - practical housing?

    Hey everyone! I have been keeping coturnix quail for eggs and meat for two years on a small scale. Just 10-20 birds at a time. I have had them in a small tractor-type pen on the ground (about 18" high, 6' x 2'), in grass during the spring-summer and on shavings in the fall-winter when its...
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