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  1. Blooie

    future coop and run

    x2 That's the biggest reason I switched from vertical to horizontal. I use my old vertical waterer for new chicks, because it takes them less strength to get enough water out of it. But as soon as they have it down, and they are a little stronger, the vertical gets cleaned out and put away...
  2. Blooie

    future coop and run

    Or they decide to roost in the coop framework and scare the pee-waddin' out of you when you go out late at night to check on them. <sigh>
  3. Blooie

    future coop and run

    Awww, that just warmed the cockles of my heart - and there ain't nuthin' worse than cold cockles! Welcome back!
  4. Blooie

    future coop and run

    It all looks fantastic, PapaChaz! If I had one suggestion to make about the roosts, it would be to at least clamp the 2x4s into their notches. If those birds get to tussling around, they could hit it from the bottom and it can fly up and out of the braces. I had that happen with an entire poop...
  5. Blooie

    future coop and run

    Put your feet up and have a cold beer tomorrow night (or a cup of coffee if you aren't a beer liker) and admire your handiwork. Then get those pictures posted so we can all admire your handiwork.
  6. Blooie

    future coop and run

    Yes, I love the way it looks, and yes, your chicks are really cute, but WOW - is your granddaughter a little doll! ;)
  7. Blooie

    future coop and run

    Fantastic!! It looks really great, and it looks like the girls are going to be very comfortable and secure! When it came time for us to decide how to close off the end, we also lucked out and found a piece of welded wire fencing. It's too big, and we just attached it square instead of...
  8. Blooie

    future coop and run

    We used chicken wire and draped it over the top, one of us on one side and one on the other. If we had to to over again we'd attach the chicken wire to the panels and THEN stand them up and arch them between the fence posts. We used bits of twisted wire to tie the chicken wire down to the...
  9. Blooie

    future coop and run

    That gate wide enough to bring in a yard cart is something we didn't think about until it was too late. Wish we'd done that.
  10. Blooie

    future coop and run

    Wow! I wish I had the space in my coop to do something like this. @PapaChaz That's looking great! You can sure tell you put a lot of thought into it. We also put our chicks out before the coop was finished last year, and worked around them to get it all done.
  11. Blooie

    future coop and run

    You scoff, kind sir, but there are those wiser and more practical than us who can actually resist!! Um, I however, don't appear to one of them!
  12. Blooie

    future coop and run

    And just in case you were asking me, then mine is 12 feet long - three cattle panels that were 4' high. We are going to add another panel this summer to make it 16 feet. As for expanding my flock, that's always on the drawing board! Right now I have 11 adults, but some of those will not be...
  13. Blooie

    future coop and run

    Actually for shade in the summer we don't use tarps, we use rolls of landscape fabric. Yep, landscape fabric! One of us stands on each side and we toss the roll over, wind it around metal laths that we got at Lowes, and then secure that to the run. On really hot days we can roll it up on the...
  14. Blooie

    future coop and run

    Come talk to me again after you steal my run idea!
  15. Blooie

    future coop and run

    Lookin' good! That great idea of the chalk line wrapped around the screws to give you a line for cutting is so doggone simple I had to call Ken in and kick him in the hiney for not doing that when we built! Sheesh! Just for those who don't know, at least two of the big box stores, Lowes...
  16. Blooie

    future coop and run

    I'm really sorry you had a bad experience on BYC - and we sure hate to lose your ideas and humor. Stuff happens in public forums and you can either unsubscribe from that thread or plop yourself down into the middle of the discussion. But we hate to see you leave BYC altogether over some real...
  17. Blooie

    future coop and run

    I have to show that cutter to Ken! Your coop's looking just grand!
  18. Blooie

    future coop and run

    We covered the panels with chicken wire, which is doing a great job of keeping out overhead predators. To the bottom 2 feet we added hardware cloth "sewn" to the chicken wire and panels, then we extended it out another two feet as an apron. We planned to put flat rock around that to hide it...
  19. Blooie

    future coop and run

    You won't regret the cattle panels for the hoop run. We sure don't, and we didn't frame ours at all - we pounded steel fence posts into the ground, eight of them total, (4 per side) and arched the panels between them, wiring them into position. We had a piece of leftover welded wire fence left...
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