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  1. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    Alright then. Yay, more waiting! Definetly! Their coloring is really cool and unique. I just want to know what their darn breed is!
  2. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    ~Update~ My chicks aren't looking like EEs OR Speckled Sussex. I've never seen this coloring before, does anybody have any ideas about what they are? (The last feathers on both of their wings are pure white.)
  3. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    I'll lower the temperature a bit and see how they like it. Sometimes I let them out into the yard to explore for about 10-20 minutes and sometimes they find a tasty bug or two during playtime. I'll offer them grit after their outings. Thank you for all of this info! I'm really grateful for this...
  4. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    Thank you! No, I don't give them anything but starter and water (although they do find their wood shavings appetizing sometimes!) I'll cut back on giving it to them, I hope I didn't harm them by giving them grit if they didn't need it...
  5. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    @speckledhen @azygous @Eggcessive
  6. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    Also, wanted to ask... One of them drinks a lot more water than the other three chicks I have (not excessively, but noticeably) and likes to sleep farther away from my heat plate. She's just as healthy and active as the others, but wanted to ask why she was doing this. I'm giving them a few...
  7. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    Is there a defining difference between what the two breeds look like as chicks?
  8. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    Is that normal for Speckled Sussex?
  9. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    Really? They both have different patterns on their heads.
  10. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    I was considering adding some new additions to the flock, and my local feed store happened to have chicks, so I got some yesterday! A Buff Orpington, a Sicilian Buttercup, and two chicks that appear to be Easter Eggers from an assorted breeds bin. Or are they? Since Easter Egger chicks and...
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