Duck with Bumblefoot (Warning Viewer Discretion Is Advised)


Free Ranging
6 Years
Sep 18, 2015
One of my little duckies has a big fat swollen foot and I don't know why! I don't know how long it's been like that either because I have so many duckies. I've soaked his foot in Epsom salt and made sure he didn't drink it. I plan on doing this a couple times a day. Does anyone know what could of caused this and if I can do anything else for him?


Poor baby :(


@Miss Lydia
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One of my little duckies has a big fat swollen foot and I don't know why! I don't know how long it's been like that either because I have so many duckies. I've soaked his foot in Epsom salt and made sure he didn't drink it. I plan on doing this a couple times a day. Does anyone know what could of caused this and if I can do anything else for him?

Poor baby

@Miss Lydia
Did you run your finger over the bottom feeling for a splinter? I can't see any blk scab do you see one. Any cuts that you can see? what about trauma like jumping out of the pool or off of something onto a hard surface? Your on the right track with soaking his foot a couple times a day also.
Did you run your finger over the bottom feeling for a splinter? I can't see any blk scab do you see one.  Any cuts that you can see? what about trauma like jumping out of the pool or off of something onto a hard surface?  Your on the right track with soaking his foot a couple times a day also.

I don't see or feel any splinters, but it's too swollen to tell. It's really big and squishy. I can't think of any way he could of hurt himself, especially as bad as he did. Here's another picture, the swollen area is on one of his toes:
I don't see or feel any splinters, but it's too swollen to tell. It's really big and squishy. I can't think of any way he could of hurt himself, especially as bad as he did. Here's another picture, the swollen area is on one of his toes:
How long have you been soaking? if there is infection you may need to put him on an antibiotic. I really don't like to say use an antibiotic especially since we don't know what is going on. But is the foot feel hot? feel both feet so you can tell normal skin and if this one that is swollen is hot and how hot. Usually heat mean there is a good chance there is an infection going on. Is there any chance you can take your duck to a vet? How is he acti ng other wise ? eating good can he walk at all? another thing you will want to do is keep him from over using his foot right now. Can you take a pic with out the red light being on? it distorts the pic.
How long have you been soaking? if there is infection you may need to put him on an antibiotic. I really don't like to say use an antibiotic especially since we don't know what is going on. But is the foot feel hot? feel both feet so you can tell normal skin and if this one that is swollen is hot and how hot. Usually heat mean there is a good chance there is an infection going on. Is there any chance you can take your duck to a vet? How is he acti ng other wise ? eating good can he walk at all? another thing you will want to do is keep him from over using his foot right now. Can you take a pic with out the red light being on? it distorts the pic.

I just noticed his swollen foot yesterday. This morning it seems to look worse. I'll be able to answer your other questions and get better pics when we get home.
Ok I'm back. I've been switching back and forth between soaking his foot in Epsom salt and ice since yesterday. His swollen foot is very hot compared to his other. I'll keep him separate from the other ducks to see how he's eating and drinking and to help his foot heal faster. It's hard to spot him in the crowd. He can still walk and run like the others but he's limping a little. They run when people come near them, but this one's calm when the others aren't around. The swelling looks worse to me. Here's a better pic:


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@DiamondSwan I'm thinking he has an infection is it possible to see a vet? if not then I think an antibiotic might be in order you don't want this to spread. keep up the soaks also. Poor thing it looks painful. what antibiotics do you have available? or could something have bitten him? spider or snake? look at that foot real close for any sign of a puncture . Lets see if we can get @casportpony to give an idea on what antibiotics would be used for this. Also get a pic of bottom of foot in natural light like the one you posted please. Looking again at the pic could the toe be broken or do you think it's just distorted because of swelling?
I figured out what was wrong with his foot last night. I'm pretty sure it's an infection he's dealing with. I brought him inside and put him in a laundry basket with some hay, water, and food. Before I went to bed, I went to check on him and he had his foot behind him so that I could see the bottom of it. I noticed that he had something stuck in it that I didn't see before, probably because his foot was so dirty:


Me and my mom were up until 1:00 in the morning trying to get that thing out of his foot and cleaning and soaking it. It was a huge piece of something that was really hard to get out, and he sat still the ENTIRE time. If it were me, I would of been screaming and wailing lol. Now he has a big hole:


I'm continuing to soak his foot in Epsom Salt. He's been such a good boy and not giving me any trouble at all. If it were one of the girls, that would be another story. The drakes are much sweeter and really quite. He's been loving the attention and got so excited when I was filling the bathtub! I'm glad he hasn't been using his foot much and resting like he should. He's been eating and drinking. We have an antibiotic in the cabinet that was to prevent infection that we got from the vet for a stray dog that had wounds. It can be used for other animals too but I'm sure not a whole pill. *Running off to find it.........*

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