
Just wanted to show you my White LF Standard Cornish Breeders, They are fine quality Strait & Herring lines, these Brutes are the ones I have been trying in vien to AI, one day I'll get it going. it took me awhile to get them into good health after I got them, but they are coming along and have even started laying.






Your white roos look to me like they should be able to get the job done on their own. They do look very similar to my Darks body style wise. I think you've got some potential there.

I did a head count last night, I've got 26 Darks on the ground. Most of which are roos!!!!

The last batch went out into an outside brooder yesterday. I have to agree with some other breeders I've talked to--trying to hatch Standard Cornish in Feb/March is miserable. I'll be focusing on April/May and Oct/Nov for hatching from here on.
Does anyone know how many pounds a large fowl cornish/Indian game is? I'm thinking of getting some jubilee eggs of Ebay.

Here's a picture of them, I think the ones in America, usually Hybrids, are diffrent to the ones in the UK
I crossed a dark cornish rooster with my various laying hens, some of which are Jersey Giants. Growth rate is about the same as my turkey poults I hatched and they definitely look "meatier" than the laying chicks I've hatched. Will butcher them at 16 weeks of age and provide an update if I remember.

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