Barred Rock vs. Dominique

Dominique and BR look almost alike the difference is as been said the Dominique has a "rose" comb and the BR has a single comb also the legs Dominique has orange legs and the BR has yellow legs.

Actually both have yellow legs, check the Standard. Beyond the comb, size & type are different. They look alike to people who don't really understand breed characteristics because both have similar, but not identical, coloring. If you actually know the Standards for both breeds they look quite different.
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I have 1 Dominique about 4 months old and she is very docile and gets along with all the other hens. She loves to be picked up and petted and will even sit in your lap.

She laid her first little egg yesterday.

I appears that my "Dominique" is actually a Cuckoo Maran. She has a single comb. So I dont think that little egg is hers at all.
Looks to me more like a barred rock from a hatchery/feedstore origin. Her barring is not as cuckoo as a marans should be, and leg colour on hatchery birds is often not correct. I've had hatchery barred rocks in the past, and she looks very like them. None of them had the yellow legs of an exhibition bird, and their egg colour is similar to your bird's egg.
Looks to me more like a barred rock from a hatchery/feedstore origin. Her barring is not as cuckoo as a marans should be, and leg colour on hatchery birds is often not correct. I've had hatchery barred rocks in the past, and she looks very like them. None of them had the yellow legs of an exhibition bird, and their egg colour is similar to your bird's egg.

I think you may be right. I have done a lot of photo comparisons and she does appear to be a Barred Rock. I can tell a noticable differance between The Cuckoo and the BR.
Can you post a photo?  Also, what is the source of our birds.  In hatchery birds, these breeds tend to look more similar than in exhibition birds.
I've been following your comments and would like to say that one easy thing to do is look up breeds with rose comb. If yours is striped and has a rose comb then mixed or not, it is a breed with rose comb, and a breed with stripes. Genetics are tricky, and since you were told you bought Dominique and it has a rose comb, it is safe to say it is Dominique, or at least part Dominique. I have a roo that is half barred rock and half black giant. Here's what he looks like.
Barred rocks have a straight barring and tend to be brighter. Dominiques have more of a V-shaped barring, and if you look closely, hens have small combs, so if you can get near a hen, you should be able to see a single comb or a spiked rose comb.
My Dominecker or Dominique roo Remmy, you can see his rose comb. Also Remmy was a demon compared to my Barred rock roo. Seriously, you broke eye contact with my Dominecker and he would attack you. Also like many have stated, the pattern is slightly different. While Dommies are beautiful birds I would go with a Barred rock especially if there’s kids around :/

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