1 year old STILL not egg laying


10 Years
May 6, 2009
Hey there. I have a 1 year old Plymouth Rock Bantam who is lovely but still not laying eggs. She bows down for me and practices making her nest and will even sit on our other eggs but I have never found an egg from her. Wondering if this have ever happened to anyone else and what might be the cause. I have even kept her in the coop for a couple of days in case she was hiding them in the woods. Nothing. Thanks for reading
Hey there. I don't really have any advice but I have a hen that doesn't lay eggs. She is a 10 month old Wyandotte. I have always wondered when I would hit the milestone day of 'an eggs from every hen'. I have 11 hens and have never gotten 11 eggs in one day. Anyway I separated the wyandotte and now I sometimes get an egg from every en that is still in the coop and have not got one at all from the wyandotte. I know this doesn't help. I plan to just give mine away at the end of the summer when I let some of the older girls go.
Thanks for replying. It is nice to know that I'm not the only one. Hopefully my new batch of chicks will make up for her. I would give her away but she is my favorite
If you like the hen as a pet then keep feeding her and enjoy her company, if you want the hen for eggs only then you need to make dinner out of her. There is no reason to feed a ADULT chicken feed unless you are getting eggs from her or just like her for her company. If she has not laid eggs by now she is not going to. Sorry.
my friend told me that some time a hen can have reproductive defects or is just infertile and wont ever lay eggs, she said its not common but does hapen, her family usualy eats them or sells them as meat birds.

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