Langshan or splash?

Here they are they have almost no splash I didn't breed them so I am not sure what they down looked like.



This is my splash faverolles that I hatched he is a bit lacking in the leg feathering department to like you blue girl. A blue is in front and a the splash is behind

Another pic of him

All three colors together blue, black, and, splash
Updated photos....still trying to decide, but whatever he is...he STAYS!


Next to blue pullet. The pullet is 3 weeks younger than he is.



Darn good foot-feathering for a Langshan so young.
He looks like he'll turn out to be a light blue with minimal lacing, just a guess. I've been working on my own strain of Blue Wyandotte Bantams and this year I got a variety of blue coloring, ranging from light with hardly any lacing to dark, and a few of them right on the money. The parent's to mine this year were black males on blue females, since I didn't have a blue male until this year.
hcammack your faverolles females are beautiful! have you bred them before? I'd bet if you bred them to a black male you'd get some blues, I'll bet you know that though
I'm not really certain what I'm going to do with him. His color is too interesting to let slide. I really do like the light powder-puff blue. The female has better lacing, but still not the black lacing everyone is after.

I'm also afraid that they will all show red bleed through thanks to the father, but I'm still unsure if the father is showing red at all.

Blues are just downright frustrating...

Thank you Rowemblis. I'm afraid you're correct and he'll wind up with no lacing instead of being the splash I was after.
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I'm just starting to work with bantam blue faverolles so I know what you mean about "the blues". The color is frustrating! Then add the leg feathering and beards/muffs...

If you have the space available I would keep that boy to see how me matures. I think he will be one very nice looking roo! I'm sorry he isn't a splash. I know you've been waiting for one to hatch.
I'd say he's definitely blue, just a light one. I don't keep them for breeding if they are that light, but I do Polish...I have no idea what you want in a Langshan.

Any splash anything I've ever hatched has hatched with yellow down, never had one hatch with that all-over silvery-blue-ish down and turn out to be anything other than blue. That's just my experience, though.

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