Within the last few days my 6 month old Rouen hens have started laying eggs
I have raised all five of my Rouens since they were 2 days old (I ordered from a hatchery), 1 drake to 4 hens. The girls are laying but they obviously are not broody since the eggs are not in a nest, we seem to find one here, one there, etc. in the wide open and none of them have become "missing" to go sit on a nest. Our ducks were "released" on our pond from their pen after they were fully feathered, and have taken residence there every since and loving it I must say
I would like to see if any of these are fertile so I put them under my broody chicken hen. I relocated her to her own hutch along with the eggs. She has been sitting on them for 3 days now.
My question is:
Have any of you used a chicken to broody ducklings? After they hatch, should I still keep them with the chicken or put them in a brooder w/ a heat lamp? Any tips/advice would be appreciated.
Within the last few days my 6 month old Rouen hens have started laying eggs
My question is:
Have any of you used a chicken to broody ducklings? After they hatch, should I still keep them with the chicken or put them in a brooder w/ a heat lamp? Any tips/advice would be appreciated.