The Middle Tennessee Thread



Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
Alright, Jenski! Here you go! I started us a thread.

It was delightful to meet all of you today! What a fun group of BYCers we have here in middle TN!

Jen and I decided that we had all kind of hijacked the TN thread from the east TN folks. So here we have our own thread. So, go. Talk amongst yourselves...

Good idea!
Great to meet so many "chicken people" today. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to more of you.
Good to know I have a support group

I'm interested in swapping eggs when we meet in March. I should have Olive Egger and Blue & Black Ameracauna eggs to offer.
Keep in touch everyone!
You were all, all just delightful! I wish I had had more time to talk with each and every one of you. Special thanks to Anne for putting together the lunch - - and this new thread - - and thanks to each of you who came to share lunch and swap stories with us. I look forward to future meet-ups, swaps, shows, empire building, and who knows what!
It was fun
Paul thought I was chicken-napped or something...he just doesn't understand

"Fluff" is so sweet he came into the house to meet the kids and then went to live with the Mille Fleur Cochin chicks which are his age and half the size but they welcomed him with open wings..they are just so accepting of anything you ask of them.
And you will never guess what I came home to....did you guess baby chicks

By March I will have a big variety of eggs ready...and lots of chicks
Happy things were said about you both, Cindiloohoo & Okla-doodle-do! We did miss you!
The plan is to do it again in March. I'm thinking March 12th. The word is that the next one will be a big, giant egg swap and then we will all fire up our bators and have a Tennessee hatchathon. Whoohoo!!

Holly- I'm so happy he has found a group. One the way home I worried that perhaps I should have brought you two so that he would have a buddy. Nice to know he is settling in.
Keep me posted on what he turns into. I love seeing big, strappin' roosters.
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I got to thinking(never a good idea) Fluff is Buff and white with hopefully some black peeking in MF Cochins are close to that color..a version of MF Silkie coming soon A new place to put the MF that didn't make the cut...and another fun color to have around
Hey suckers, you're not allowed to run off like this! I'm going to become an honorary Middle Tennessean! I was so tempted to drive today but just couldn't hack that 6 hour round trip drive.....can we have the next one slightly farther west? LOL

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