Automatic feeder!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 22, 2010
Bought it off Ebay. Installed it last week. Used a huge new paint bucket from Home Depot with a lid. Hung it from the ceiling of the coop. Took 30 seconds for the girls to figure it out. So far no wasted feed! Check it out.

Totally recommend it!
haha! that is the cutest thing EVER. I wish the seller sold on a website or did BIN (I did see why she does not). I hate bidding. But that is too cool. I may get one for an outside feeder since rain wouldn't bother it. Plus it would be fun to watch them make the feed come out. lol
I think I'm going to get one. I showed dh and he thought it was a great idea. I had been wrestling with the idea of putting feed in the run but worrying about rain making it wet. With this it wouldn't be an issue as long as I get something with a tight fitting lid. Have any of you used it outside without any problems?
Mine is outside.

I have it hanging and then I put a planter saucer below it( mine is on log about 10 inched high).
This way the food is covered and then when they hit the trigger, the food drops into the saucer.

I will be getting a couple more. I have 15 chickens and I do notice that the older group keeps the younger ones away until they have their fill.
thanks! I just bought one from the seller on ebay.
I love this! Thanks for sharing. I bought the nipple waterer from Amazon already assembled for $17 came with 4 nipples attached to 2 1/2 gallon bucket. Need to look into this feeder!
I just bid on one. I think I'm going to wish I'd bid on 5. I'll figure out the best way to make it work and then I'll get more. I'm going to try it with a small trash can that can hold an entire bag of pellets.

Those of you who set it on a stand, what do you use? I'm thinking cinder blocks with a board across the top. Ideas?
When chickens get bored, this could really be an entertaining way to eat. I may have to look into something like this. I bet if you changed the color of the trigger to red, they'd be at it twice as quick.

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