

In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 1, 2011
One week ago I had 51 healthy 1 month old chicks in a chicken tractor in my yard. (RI Reds, Silver Wyandottes, and Buff Orphingtons.) Today there are 26. They started bleeding out last Sunday; it was a bloodbath. I put the chicks back into a large metal water tub I use as a brooder with shavings and lamps to keep them warm. On Monday I put Corid in the drinking water at 1 Tbs per gallon. They kept dying. I think the dying has stopped and the remaining flock of chicks looks perky. My questions are: What is the correct dosage of Corid? How long should I keep putting it in the water? When can I free-range them again?

I lost a few birds on my first 2 batches or Jersey Black Giants and Silkies but nothing like this disaster. How can I prevent these losses in future batches? My wife wanted to go all organic but that is obviously not possible or at least economically feasible.

Corid 9.6% liquid solution dosage is 9.5cc per gallon of water for 5 days. Make a fresh mixture daily. Clean everything with water/ammonia mixture. Cocci are protozoa and bleachwater will not kill them. Good luck.
I find Sulmet works faster. Sulmet is harsher on their systems, but in an emergency such as yours, Sulmet acts much faster than Corid.
I lost an obscene amount of chicks one year to Cocci. I was feeding unmedicated feed and once I noticed the bloody stools, they were dying like flies. I treated with Corid for 5 days and it saved the rest of my chicks, but I lost about 2/3 of the batch.

After that, I've always used medicated chick starter and have never lost another chick to Cocci, nor have I ever had to treat with Corid again. Cocci is present in the soil, so if you know it's in your soil, you'll either need to raise them off the ground, or treat with medicated feed as a preemptive strike.

Good luck!
So sorry for your losses, its a sicknening feeling loosing chicks and not knowing why or what to do. We went through the same thing just not as bad. We lost about 12 chicks over a 1 week period a few months ago to cocci. We were also feeding unmedicated feed but once we realised what was happening we switch to medicated and lost 1 chick after that. We have had great success with our chicks since then.
Thanks for the replies. I used the corid because it was what the nearest feed store had. No one could figure out what the dose should be so I guessed 1 TBS per gallon water. It is powder, not liquid. The remaining guys look pretty healthy.

Have a nice day
Steve chicks are almost a month old........what is this cocci? i use medicated food can they still get it?

I like the idea of organic and chemical free but I never wanted to take a chance with my chicks so I always opted for the medicated chicken starter.

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