Boy do I have a problem with my boy

Miss Lydia

~Gift of God ~ Eternal Life ~John 3:16-17
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Oct 3, 2009
Mountains of Western N.C.
Opie is now 17weeks old and over the last maybe 3 weeks he has been showing so mild aggression towards me, biting hard but mostly thats all, I have been dealing with it by holding him down also laying him on his back while holding him, works pretty good, haven't been petting him very much to not give him opportunity to bite.
Well this morning he was literally attacking me. had his wings stretched out a bit and was waiting for me to turn around so he could attack. I would just stand still and turn as he did so he couldn't get behind me, when I finally did turn to go in the door he jumped me and pinched the tar out of my leg. I need help to figure out what to do. I know he is coming of age but I have never delt with a 4month old drake before. who I raised in the house my other 2 drakes were over 1 year old when i got them and have never been aggressive towards me at all. I will not let him act like this towards me or anyone else, but it seems like it is aimed at me. Please I need so advice on what to do to break him of this. I finally put him out in the other part of the fence in area. MY goose was going to kick his butt too, but the dogs came running out of the house to see what the comotion was about. forgot to say that when he jumped on me, I tossed him into the tub of water we have for them to play in, well he just kept coming back time after time.
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It's not the best advice.. but it REALLY works for me.

The thing that works for me is to get a lage butter fly net. When he does that again.. NET HIM! If you can, chase him and net him. That works for my ducks and roosters.
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Oh wow whats goin on with these boys of ours. I wish I could help but I barley got my problem somewhat under control. I hope it works out. maybe just keep it up and gotta show him whos boss. Make him eat out of ur hand if he wants food. Only give him peas from ur hand so maybe he will know if he wants food or treats he has to be nice to the person giving it to him.
Hopefully this is just a phase because of his age. When you pin him down, do you keep at it until he stops protesting and gives in? Maybe you're releasing him too early?

There is like a "sigh" of resignation you need to look for. Where they go soft and relax. That's giving in. If they don't do that, you haven't gotten the point across yet. It's a battle of wills more than a battle of muscle and fight. Unless he's hormonally challenged and can't think straight, some young males don't get it until later.
I dont know what to tell you. Sammy our runner drake did that. I tried everything. Then he started going after the chickens. Had one of my girls so scared she wouldnt come out of the coop, just stayed on the roost. Thats when I found him a new home.
A well placed boot in the chest? That can sometimes work. I havent ever had but one bird that was aggressive--a nasty black rooster. I carried a thin piece of PVC with me to swat him with. FInally gave him away after he spurred me one last time. The people couldnt believe their good fortune to get him for free. I told them he probably wouldnt taste any good cause he was so mean! Terri O
I would be wary of feeding him from my hand. It could send a mixed signal - one second you are the boss, the next you are subservient to him.

This is interesting advice from another thread:

I found out the hard way that pushing them and grabbing their bills only escalates the behavior. You need him to see you as top drake. If it were me, the next time he does it I would "mount" him. Put one hand on the back of the neck and one hand on the back. Flatten him out the way drakes do to ducks when mating. Hold him there until he stops struggling. It should take care of it pretty quickly. I did it with my boys when the started grabbing me and twisting my skin. I did it to each one twice. They are very respectful now. They will still nibble on me a little, touch me with their bills, and eat from my hands but they are very gentle.

I tried really hard to find a great thread on this but couldn't. One day when avoiding housework (like now) I found a LONG thread where a BYCer broke down duck flock dynamics and gave 3 or 4 really good behavioral descriptions and cures for escalating aggressiveness. It was a really interesting read and it had several solutions... Sorry I couldn't track it down for you.

Hopefully that person will see this thread. Too bad there isn't a duck bat signal for times like this.
m.kitchengirl :

I would be wary of feeding him from my hand. It could send a mixed signal - one second you are the boss, the next you are subservient to him.

This is interesting advice from another thread:

I found out the hard way that pushing them and grabbing their bills only escalates the behavior. You need him to see you as top drake. If it were me, the next time he does it I would "mount" him. Put one hand on the back of the neck and one hand on the back. Flatten him out the way drakes do to ducks when mating. Hold him there until he stops struggling. It should take care of it pretty quickly. I did it with my boys when the started grabbing me and twisting my skin. I did it to each one twice. They are very respectful now. They will still nibble on me a little, touch me with their bills, and eat from my hands but they are very gentle.

I tried really hard to find a great thread on this but couldn't. One day when avoiding housework (like now) I found a LONG thread where a BYCer broke down duck flock dynamics and gave 3 or 4 really good behavioral descriptions and cures for escalating aggressiveness. It was a really interesting read and it had several solutions... Sorry I couldn't track it down for you.

Hopefully that person will see this thread. Too bad there isn't a duck bat signal for times like this.

That was me!
My boys are still angels with me but Nacho had taken to going after my 5 year old daughter. He pinched her on her thigh. I told her I could handle it but that he would just do it when I wasn't there. She was afraid to go out in the backyard by herself. Well that's no way for a girl to live. The other day I sent her outside and armed her with the hose set on "jet" and told her to let him have it if he got anywhere near her. She did and he hasn't come back for more since.

I think the trouble with Opie is that he's confused. He just doesn't understand his place. His flock has recently changed and I'm sure he has made subordinates of the new girls and is trying it with you now. He thinks since he doesn't submit to them, why should he to you. I won't say put him in the freezer because I don't think he's beyond hope. If it were me I'd institute hell week. Do not pet him or hold him. No contact but to deal with aggressive outbursts. He needs to give you wide birth at all times. If you're in the same area as him he should maintain a 3ft distance at all times. Take ownership of all the things that a top drake would (the food bowl, the pool, the girls). I would also continue to "mount" him until he surrenders. But instead of waiting for an attack, I would do it anytime he dared to get too close. I had been warned by the breeder when I got my boys not to baby them. He told me you can love on the girls all you want but that doing so with the boys proves problematic. When I added the girls to my flock, that breeder told me that the only drake she's ever had trouble with was one that she brooded herself as a lone duckling. He's a flock animal, he was born to submit. He just needs to be convinced of that. Think "Dog Whisperer" but replace the dog with a duck. It's the same principle. Good luck!​
That was me!
My boys are still angels with me but Nacho had taken to going after my 5 year old daughter. He pinched her on her thigh. I told her I could handle it but that he would just do it when I wasn't there. She was afraid to go out in the backyard by herself. Well that's no way for a girl to live. The other day I sent her outside and armed her with the hose set on "jet" and told her to let him have it if he got anywhere near her. She did and he hasn't come back for more since.

I think the trouble with Opie is that he's confused. He just doesn't understand his place. His flock has recently changed and I'm sure he has made subordinates of the new girls and is trying it with you now. He thinks since he doesn't submit to them, why should he to you. I won't say put him in the freezer because I don't think he's beyond hope. If it were me I'd institute hell week. Do not pet him or hold him. No contact but to deal with aggressive outbursts. He needs to give you wide birth at all times. If you're in the same area as him he should maintain a 3ft distance at all times. Take ownership of all the things that a top drake would (the food bowl, the pool, the girls). I would also continue to "mount" him until he surrenders. But instead of waiting for an attack, I would do it anytime he dared to get too close. I had been warned by the breeder when I got my boys not to baby them. He told me you can love on the girls all you want but that doing so with the boys proves problematic. When I added the girls to my flock, that breeder told me that the only drake she's ever had trouble with was one that she brooded herself as a lone duckling. He's a flock animal, he was born to submit. He just needs to be convinced of that. Think "Dog Whisperer" but replace the dog with a duck. It's the same principle. Good luck!

Thank you Diana, I will do all that you have said, never thought because I raised him in the house he would turn on me, boy is he in for a few surprises now.
Thanks everyone on the great help.

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