Skunk trapping tips...


B & M Chicken Ranch
8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
Morristown, AZ
Well we have a Skunk...

Has nailed our Healer Ginger 3 times now in the evening over the last few months, she is very protective of our flocks and has no fear of the skunk, but we are worried about rabies etc. since a rabid Javilena was killed by G&F after attacking a local resident and biting him. He is now undergoing rabies treatment.

This is not our first skunk, but it is our first smart skunk and all my efforts that have been successful over many years are not working with this nasty beast.

Sooooo anyone with some suggestions to nab a crafty skunk who avoids all live traps and seems to know when I am with rifle waiting up with bait in the yard?

Ginger would also like me to get this particular varmit as she spends more time lately being a stinkbug than a dog....
What kind of bait are you using? Wet cat food and sardines seem to only attract skunks around here, nothing else. Heck, I've caught them with carrots, celery and a tomato.

Good luck.

PS Fels Naptha laundry soap is the best for getting skunk out of skin and clothing...
Tried sardines, peanut butter, grape jelly (always a good one till now), tuna, chicken food, and yes cat food (dry and canned). Still no go and this is either a very picky or very smart skunk.

So Far......
I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better I had a groundhog for TWO YEARS that did the same thing (hence why I know about trapping skunks) - and could see me grab the gun INSIDE the house when he was in the front yard and just take off like he was in the Olympics. Little jerk. Boyfriend finally got it this summer. It was a frustrating two years though. Thing is, I have plenty of land for him to roam on. We could have had a happy existence together had he stayed away from my veggies.
wet cat food works best around here too... although i think cause the temps are dropping they are eating the dry food now too..

I have never trapped one but I watched Billy the exterminator do it and once he covered the haveaheart trap with a blanket the skunk did not seem as upset cause Ricly didnt get sprayed...

i use baking soda peroxide and dishsoap to de-skunk.. i had to de-skunk my moms chow husky cross this spring.
go to
click on the trapping section,then goto scents and lures.they have some for skunks ,coons,bobcats and many others.this is realy good stuff,and fairly inexpensive.
Pete Richards is the best,and its $7.99 a bottle.
I've alway had luck with tuna for skunks or raccoons. but i stake the trap down pour the juice on the trigger pan and dump the tuna half under half outside the trigger pan. good luck trapping.
Thank you all for the suggestions and.... Ding.... Next round.

Wish me luck, Ginger feels better after a nice peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap bath, but still has a lingering odor....
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