Comb Contest - Strawberry! - Winner Announced!


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Aug 30, 2007
New York State
My Coop
My Coop

Submit your best photos of your chicken’s strawberry comb and win a 6 month GFM!

To increase your chances of winning, try to get a clear, focused picture, and make sure your photo is of a strawberry comb only. Example:


We don’t have a set end-date yet for the contest, but the faster we get a bunch of great submissions, the sooner we can pick a winner!

Submissions Must Include:

  1. A great picture of a chicken’s comb
  2. Breed
  3. Age
  4. Gender

  1. All entries must be submitted as a reply to this thread
  2. The picture needs to be taken by you
  3. Have fun!

If you have any questions about this contest, see the main thread in the contest section.

Ready… Set… GO!
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At shows I see a bunch of Malays... surprised none of those folks are posting right now! Come out, come out folks!

Does anyone know if this is a strawberry comb or walnut or what? this is LemonPepper
a 9 month old americana.

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