
7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
Okay, when I got my chicks this year, I decided that I wanted to take picture of every week of their growth because it seems like I never take enough pictures when they are babies. Here they are:

Here is Anerea, she is a Khaki Campbell.

This one is Avery, I still haven't figured out if she is a Welsh Harlequin or a Buff Orpington.

Here is Maroon, She is a RIR

Here is Lucky. She is a White Leghorn

This is my sister's chick, she is a Easter Egger.

Here is the differences in size from then, to now:

Here is when I first got them and before my sister got Chichi.

Here they are at a week.

Here they are now. Avery is growing WAY to quick!

Here is the link to the one week "photo shoot."

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I forgot to put the first pic in (when I first got them. It says it but doesn't have the picture). Okay, I'll put it on :D
I just got my chicks this morning, I swear they've grown since I got home!
Way too fun to be legal!

I know! They grown fast. My ducklings are growing way fast. They were the same size when I got them, now one of them is like three times the size of the chicks. I have Lucky sleeping on me right now..

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