Which Electric Net Fence Is Best?


10 Years
Jan 31, 2009
I'm looking at using electric net and saw that TSC (canada) carries Gallagher. Is it a worthwhile product?

I have also read posts on here that people recommend going to Premier1 for the electric netting. I don't mind to have it shipped if its better.

I noticed Premier1 has 2 types of electric netting, PoultryNet and PermaNet. There is also the "Plus" option of having the post closer together. I'm leaning towards the PermaNet Plus, but wonder if anyone has used both and which they prefer. The PermaNet seems sturdier, but is it then too hard to move?

I won't be moving it often, as I'm planning to do a large area and I only have 6 chickens, but I want the option to move it.

I'm also worried they might fly over, but I'm hoping by doing a larger area (2 or 3 kits) that they will have so much available, they will just stay put.

They also say it can be used for goats (which I have) but really?! I've tried fencing my goats if with 6 strands of electric and they walked right through it, I'm worried that they will wreck this if I use it near them (which I don't HAVE to do, but may make using our 6 little acres easier).

Thoughts? Experience? Is it a waste of money?
Thanks :)
Anyone? Please? I don't want to waste my money, but I need a reasonable solution for my girls.

I have the PermaNet from Premier. I have the 4ft high, double spike fence (3 100ft kits). It was very easy to install. It can be easily pulled up and moved. I don't have any problem with the fence sagging. I use a 110VAC charger I bought from them when I ordered the fence. The fence is working great for me. I had 1 adventurous chicken fly over the first day after the install. But, after clipping one wing, I haven't had any more problems. The birds are totally content in their playpen. I'm going to get another 100ft section and expand the area out a bit. Premier has fencing for sheep, it's different from the poultry fencing, a bit more heavy duty Did you check out their website? I've heard about Gallagher, They are a good company from what I've heard. I was thinking about getting some fencing from them to keep the deer out of my orchard. Just a matter of biting the bullet and spending the money.
Thanks for your help Jack! That's just the sort of info I'm looking for! I've checked out the Premier website a few times, but I think I'll have to study it some more before I make a final decision.

Love your coop btw! Beautiful!

I've used a variety of Premier fencing, including the E-Stop and the hog fencing to fence my pigs.
I think Premier sells higher quality goods than what I have seen at our local Tractor Supply.
They stand behind their products well also, should you have an issue.
So thumbs up for Premier.
I just ordered from Premier, the poultry net kit and the energizer kit just have to buy a battery here. I spoke with them on the phone, but ordered on line because there is free shipping if you get it online...I hope the customer service people don't work on commission.
Thanks for the help cny rider and Glasshen! I'm tempted to try the Premier1 permanet... wonder if I'll get dinged at customs when it comes into Canada? *cross my fingers* :)


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