Fisher "Cat"

Chickie Mama

8 Years
May 31, 2012
Washington County New York
On my way to work this morning I saw a Fisher. It was about a mile (or under) from our home. I've never seen one so clearly before. It was standing in a clearing by the road in the fresh snow. Should I be concerned?

I have 8 free ranging Mallard ducks- that can fly (we bring them in every night), a flock of assorted chickens that free range when I am home (afternoons and weekends) and a few barn cats we inherited when we moved onto the farm that I have become fond of- three of which are kittens.

Is there a way to repel a Fisher? I have a dog. Should I walk him out back around the farm more often to spread his sent?
A dog will only repel a fisher if the dog is actively chasing it, then the fisher will most likely tree like a coon or bear, I highly doubt walking the dog to spread scent will do any good. You should definitely keep an eye out as the fisher is a dangerous predator to all of your animals but it maybe that it was just passing by and you may never see it again. It is my experience that fishers are rather elusive animals and tend not to want to hang around people if they have the choice, but that's not to say a night time raid is out of the question if it remains in your area.
My dog was only a few feet away when the thing went into the coop.
Not only that but it was not afraid of us at all.
Tried to scare it away but just wasn't afraid of us and kept on coming so we had to shoot it.

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