*Update* Finally Caught the White Dove

just remembered to stop back by and check up on your dove... see I warned you
got one and soon had 3

as for the "advice" above I typed out a reply but couldnt get past the dove and pigeon being the same thing comment
lets just go with a simple "uhh no" and leave it at that
My back has been out the entire last month so haven't been able to work on my aviary. It's almost done. In the meantime, the doves are still inside in cages. Pinkie is as big as mom and dad. I'll post pictures tomorrow. Mom sat on eggs which turned out not to be fertile. Then she laid more eggs which I took away. Then laid more eggs and I gave up and let her keep one. It's due to hatch early next week. Can't wait untiI i can get them all outside.
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Hope you dove is doing well. Well done for rescuing it.

Its very confusing about the term 'dove' and 'pigeon'. You have a white ring neck dove. Streptopelia risoria

Those small doves are always called doves. However, the bigger pigeons (Columba livia domestica) that are pure white are also commonly called doves.

No matter what you call them they belong to the same FAMILY, but they are different species. You should never mix different species together in the same cage.. the bigger ones will injure or kill the smaller ones. You can mix different breeds together.. like the many different kinds of fancy domesticated pigeons.. as they are the same species, or the different colours or ring neck doves.

So if you have silky doves.. make sure they are ringneck doves and not silky pigeons.. which are much larger.

These are my fantail doves. Many people call them fantail pigeons. Either term is correct.

Here are my white pigeons. They are much larger than a ringneck dove. These white pigeons are commonly called doves.. and they are the right ones to use for wedding releases as they home back to the loft.

One of my ring neck doves. They are never called ringneck pigeons. These does are the wrong kind to use at weddings.. they can not home back to their loft and will be killed by predators or starve to death.

Here you can see the size difference between the ringneck dove and a fancy pigeon. (which could also be called a dove.. particularly if its white).

And ringneck doves can free fly too if properly trained, despite what some people say.. but they never home like homing pigeons.

These are my zebra doves... I also let them free fly.

And one of my diamond doves. .. yes they free fly too.

my Dutch Capuchine pigeon and fantail dove.

My red king pigeon.

Zebra doves on nest.


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