Yellow runny poop... ?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 26, 2012
At least one of our chickens poop looks very unhealthy
Yellow with some green? (See Photos)


and runny. We have four hens
about 1 1/2 years old. They are now molting their comb look
pale. They are all active, we are in Southern California
I recommend giving your birds scrambled egg mixed with buttermilk for about 3 or 4 days, then add feed to the mixture as a mash for a few more days. Then wean them off the scrambled egg/buttermilk mixture.
The problem is, I know that chart very well and our poop isn't on it.

She only pooped yellow on her perch last night. Now with a spot of blood.
The girl that is pooping this is not eating properly,try and locate her asap. Dark green indicates not eating. Could be so many different issues,b/c you mentioned there was a small amount of blood,have you considered Coccidiosis? Blood does not show in all species of cocci,but does in i believe two,yes older birds can have an overload/outbreak of Coccidiosis. Some symptoms are: runny/watery poop(may or may not contain blood,depends on which of the 11 strains it is)fluffed feathers,lethargic,not eating/drinking properly.weight loss,general look of unwell. Chickens will appear healthy even when very ill,this is a survival tactic,so you have to search her out. Check for impacted crop also.
The problem is, I know that chart very well and our poop isn't on it.

She only pooped yellow on her perch last night. Now with a spot of blood.

Can you take her to a vet? If not, what are you willing/able to do for her? Yellow is often a sign that the liver is involved and I'd be willing to bet that she's lost weight and not eating properly.

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