~~Hi all! I am curious how you maintain your flock health. I have had chickens a little over a year. My chickens are free range during the day and locked up in a coop at night until we build a proper coop where they can be contained all the time. Unfortunately, the new chicks that I had gotten ended up with coccidiosis and 4 of the six chicks died. After cleaning everything and treating the whole flock (just in case) I am confidante that the cocci is gone. However, now, I am completely paranoid of my flock getting sick with it again. I watch for any signs of illness and they seem to look healthy but the spectrum of poop color has me concerned. I know that normal chicken poop can be pretty much any color but when it is dark, I immediately think cocci. Do you periodically medicate the water of your birds for cocci prevention? Do you wait till one is obviously sick? I am turning into a crazy chicken lady. I found a rooster hunched in the sun and had to go check him out.. He was just sleeping and was happy till I disturbed him. Can you offer suggestions of how to manage my coop with out me going crazy and stressing my birds out. ?? Thank you for your input. ~Mickie