Hatching Eggs Wyandotte, Silkies, Blue/Gold Partridge Brahmas, Call Ducks, and More Wanted.

Prairie Fleur

8 Years
Jul 17, 2014
Ingalls Ks
Looking for some quality hatching eggs or chicks of the following breeds:
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. Foley lines are my favorite but will consider others of good type. (Or young cockerel or pair)
Partridge Wyandotte Bantams
Silkies grey, black, porcelain, silver partridge, or about any color.
Blue/Gold Partridge Brahmas
Coronation Sussex
genetic hackle chickens

Call Ducks anyone have cresteds? Chocolates, silvers, pieds and more wanted.
Black East Indies haven't been able to find these anywhere hardly. I'm interested in them in any form, eggs, ducklings, young adults...

I'm from Kansas so shipping will be necessary. Side swaps welcome, check out my swap page. Price negotiable.
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For BLRW I would pm @happyhens and I have posted a link to your thread on the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Thread.

For Silver Laced Wyandottes I have posted your request on the thread.

Hope that helps : )
I'm going to have call ducks and orpingtons. I have to build up numbers in my flock and that will probably take about a year before I start getting eggs. I sold 14 birds already but still have many more. Unfortunately mostly roos.
I'm going to have call ducks and orpingtons. I have to build up numbers in my flock and that will probably take about a year before I start getting eggs. I sold 14 birds already but still have many more. Unfortunately mostly roos.

That is too bad! I'll keep looking! Will you ship your silkies or are they all sold already?
Thanks for your help!! I have a few BLRW eggs coming but wouldn't mind some from another breeder as well. I'm getting half a dozen SLW eggs later this month but I really could use more than that.
That is too bad! I'll keep looking! Will you ship your silkies or are they all sold already?
I don't have boxes to ship live birds. Plus the AI is in the United States. Alot of Post Offices won't let them pass thru. Anybody is welcome to come pick out what they want though. I still have many left. The silver partridge hens are gone and almost all of my sizzle hens and my red sizzle roo are all gone. Somebody came yesterday and bought 13 birds then one person came today and bought a roo.

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