1. B

    GQF Incubator turns off for about ten minutes then comes back on

    GQF Sportsman 1502 cabinet incubator (White control panel style) has began randomly turning itself off and on again when in on position. I can't figure out why. The cord is good. Power socket is good. It just turns off completely, no fans, no power in the console, all lights off, turner won't...
  2. B

    GQF Incubator turns off for about ten minutes then comes back on

    GQF Sportsman 1502 cabinet incubator (White control panel style) has began randomly turning itself off and on again when in on position. I can't figure out why. The cord is good. Power socket is good. It just turns off completely, no fans, no power in the console, all lights off, turner won't...
  3. W

    Sportsman 1502 incubator

    I recently purchased a used 1502 incubator, plugged it in got it set to temp let it run empty for 3 days. Set eggs and a weekish later went to candle the eggs and got shocked from the latch on the door. I then had my boyfriend go through the unit to make sure there was no short or something...
  4. H

    GQF 1502 Sportsman Incubator for Sale!

    I have a GQF 1502 Sportsman incubator for sale. It’s all there and works, just may need a cleaning but has the egg crates for chicken eggs. Comes with instructions as pictured. Asking $700 plus any shipping costs.
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