3 row pea comb

  1. LilHitzel

    New Chick Owner - Sexing 3 Week Old Easter Egger?

    Hi! I'm a first-time chick owner. This is also my first day on this forum, which I've heard a lot of great things about! I got 7 chicks from a really reputable guy in our area. He gets all of his chicks vent sexed at the hatchery where he orders from. They're all soooo friendly, and they...
  2. C

    Comb to gender theory accuracy?

    I’m hearing that as far as the pea comb goes 3 means a male and one means female has that been accurate for you? Has anyone noticed what they thought was a pullet develop a 3 row pea comb and turn out to be a male or still female? Also with tail feather developing later has then been accurate...
  3. CassNelson

    Cross beak chick - thoughts on M/F?

    Ok I know she’s still really young (2.5 weeks), so not sure if this is even worth asking at this stage… but does anyone think this chick is a he? She’s a blue egg layer - either an EE or a WTB (not sure as I got some of each in my order and they all look different). But the three-rowed comb, the...
  4. Eurkkah31

    Cockerel or Pullet??

    Anyone able to help me out? I bought this one as a pullet at 4 weeks old. It’s now 11 weeks. Is this EE actually a cockerel?
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