4 week chicks

  1. Emrosenagel

    4 week old Serama shivering

    Hello! I have three 4 week old chicks (1 bantma cochin, 1 mystery bantam, and a serama). I've noticed for a while now the little serama shivers like a chihuahua. I can't tell if she does it all the time, but she certainly does it when I pick her up. And it can't be the cold, because today it...
  2. The chicken nurd

    What breed/gender are these chicks

    I got these chicks at a poultry show raffle there about 3-4 weeks old I was told one is an olive egger, one is a black copper marans, and one is an unknown breed all of them are unsexed Chick 1. Non single comb, 4 toes, slightly feathered feet Chick 2. Single comb, 4 toes, slightly...
  3. G

    Blue copper Maran

    We got these 2 chicks (now 4 weeks old) supposed to be blue copper Marans. Don’t look very blue to me. But I’m guessing we definitely have 1 roo and 1 hen? First 3 pics are the same chick and then 4th pic is of the 2nd chick
  4. Chikpeas

    4 week chicks - Pullets?

    So I have three 4 week old chicks (exactly 28 days today), one barred rock (Owl), one sapphire gem (Cinder), and one buff orpington (Daisy). The orpington I'm not concerned about, as I'm about 99% certain she's a pullet. The barred rock I vacillated on for a while due to temperament and a more...
  5. Chickenwithnobrim

    Sexing 4 week old bbs ameraucana

    Hi, i have two ameraucana chicks, im thinking cockeral but im wondering if anybody else had similar looking ones that turned out female. Black one charges at my gfs hand and look how pink he is 😭😭
  6. S

    4 week old Easter egger has symptoms I cant link to cause

    I’m a new chick owner, first time, and trying to troubleshoot my chickens is turning to be a super challenge between me trying to take preventive action or just over thinking. My Easter egger daphne, for a couple weeks she has been sneezing pretty constantly compared to the rest. That initially...
  7. PioneerChicks

    4 week old chicks have bloody poop, otherwise seem fine

    I have been caring for these chicks in my house as I have been doing for several years. Pine shavings, clean water, good food, secure heat lamp, etc. I hatched these guys myself, and it's somewhere around my sixth time hatching? I haven't kept track. They are four weeks old as of about...
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