4h showmanship

  1. Floof chickens

    HELP! How can I properly show my chicken?

    I am in 4-H and this year I’m showing my dark Brahma chicken. I’ve been practicing handling her for the show and she’s been doing well, but when I show her head, she kind of freaks out. I show the head by bringing her around my shoulder like I’m sure most other 4-Hers do. The problem is I have...
  2. PioneerChicks

    Pigeon 4-H Showmanship... advice?

    I might show a Birmingham Roller for 4-H Poultry at the fair this year. I've always done chickens in the past and am a newbie to pigeons, but I'm ready for a challenge! What sort of pigeon-specific questions do the judges ask, and any other tips? Recommended resources?
  3. H

    Proper Poultry Showmanship (USA)

    If you have read my other thread Preparing for Poultry Showmanship (USA) then you are all set to understand the steps to poultry showmanship! Showmanship involves knowledge, handling, confidence, and care! Here are some steps I take to ensure a victory! Walking up the judge: Take your bird...
  4. H

    Preparing for Poultry Showmanship (USA)

    Poultry showmanship can be both nerve racking and exciting. Over my 8 years as a 4-H member specializing in poultry, I have perfected my craft in poultry showmanship and hope to aid others in the ring as well. 1 month before show: Choosing your bird: choose a bird that is light weight and...
  5. 4-H chicken shower

    Showing Chicken's

    Hey everyone, I show Chicken's for 4-H and was wondering if there was any poultry shows (other than 4H) with Showmanship in South Mississippi.
  6. 4-H chicken shower

    Showing Chicken's

    Hey everyone, I show Chicken's for 4-H and was wondering if there was any poultry shows (other than 4H) with Showmanship in South Mississippi.
  7. acechicks

    Silkie Breeder in Michigan?

    I live in West Michigan. I have 2 boys that just finished showing at Muskegon County Fair. This year is their first year in 4H. I am looking for show quality Silkies for my boys to show. I heard of a breeder called Rainbow Silkies. I'm having a hard time finding any information on it. If anyone...
  8. ScienceTeacher82

    4H Poultry-Showmanship

    I have a 'mutt' chicken that my son will be showing for showmanship this year. We're more focused on his abilities more than the chickens but were were advised to find a high protein feed for our bantam and read that 26% was considered 'top notch'. Where can you get something like this? A...
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