I swear I've just heard my 6 week old chick tidbitting. When I raised my first bunch in the brooder I never saw this behaviour until my Rooster was around 20+ weeks.
This chick has been raised under a broody hen and I swear I just heard a cute little mimic of the sound mum makes when she finds...
Hi, I suspect I already know but looking for reassurance before I rehome or otherwise as cannot keep roos. All 6 weeks in photos
Hens or roos please - I think 4 roos and 1 maybe pullet
My guesses
Buff sussex - roo (guessed by day 2!)
mauve orpington - roo
Splash mauve orpington (blk/white...
She turned 6 weeks yesterday. Little Midge started showing signs of delay in development some days back, falling behind her fellow goslings. She soon became unstable on her feet. This led to full blown instability and near complete loss of balance. Sometimes even ending stuck on her back. We...
I received this chick as a freebie when the other 15 I ordered? I think it looks like a Brahma but I'm not sure. It is around 6 weeks old. Can anyone help?
Hello first time chickie owner
I originally order 15 chickens
5 pullet speckled Sussex
5 pullet Easter eggers
5 straight run cinnamon queens
They gave me 2 cinnamon queens and 3 Delawares
Pullet I’m assuming female and straight run is a mix?
Well now that they are almost 6 weeks I’m trying to...
I noticed one of my chicks laying down in the brooder unusual behavior for her. I tried giving water- she won’t drink or eat. What do I do? I can’t tell about her droppings. She is so sleepy this is so unsusual for her. I wish I had someone to call to help me with these chicks. Any advice is...
Hi all, I'm a first time chicken mum to a brood of 3 Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks. Two have now reached 6 weeks of age, and I'm starting to suspect I have one hen (Amelia in pics) and one roo (Greta in pics), however was wanting to get a second opinion among those vastly more experienced than...
Howdy! First time chicken lady here, I’ve got a small flock of 5 that are 6 weeks old I believe. I know for sure one is a roo (not pictured) but I’m wondering about my other 4. I also need some breed help with numbers 1 & 4, number 1 is supposedly a Olive Egger and number 4 is supposed to be a...
Hi y’all, I wanted to get everyone thoughts on these two babies. I asked way to early in the game 🥴 rookie move. Here are the feathered babies now
I think white is light Sussex ? Black black Orpington? 🖤
Ive got a black silkie, salmon faverolle, buff and lavender orpingtons, a sapphire gem and sapphire egger, a gold laced wyandotte, silver laced polish, a cinnamon queen, and an americauna.
I bought some straight run chicks. These two are about 6 weeks old and the absolute sweetest. Either way I’m keeping them but if they are cockerels I’d like to get a few pullets. Thanks for any help!
My (hopeful) ladies are 4-6 weeks old (wasn't given a clear age when purchased). What do you think? Hens or roos? I know silkies are almost impossible to tell but I attached pictures of ours anyways. The rest are easter eggers. Bonus points for insight on the easter egger's possible breeds they...
Hi there! I have 7 6 week old silkies and I noticed this week that 3 have significant combs (like a finger print) and deep red wattles, and 4 have nothing of either. Now as my 4th chick flock, this seems clear cut that the former are boys, and the latter girls. But this seems too easy. From what...
hello everyone, so my brahma chick is 6 weeks old now, but her (not sure but hoping its a pullet) feathering is slower than even my 4 week old chicks. the bantam she hatched with is almost 100% fully feathered but i do know they feather rather quickly. Although this seems exessive and i have...
I was sold this chick at a few days old from a feed store as a Buff Orpington. Now I’m wondering if it’s something else as all the pictures I see online, Buff Orpingtons are much lighter and my chick is darker. My chick is now 6 weeks old. And any guesses on gender would be great too! Thanks!
My chicks are 6 weeks old. I am thinking I have 5 roosters and 2 pullets. This is my first time navigating this, and maybe it’s to soon to tell? I wondered if anyone out there could tell from my pictures who is what?
Rooster is Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, but the hens were a mix of Rhode Island Reds/Blues, different varieties of Wyandottes, White Leghorn, Welsummers, Plymouth Barred Rock, Buckeye, and Golden Comet. Any ideas on pullet vs cockerel and/or breed/mix of each greatly appreciated! I'm mostly...
I have a silver laced Wyandotte and two polish gals as well as one hybrid with a Orpington father and white Sussex mother. They are all coming up 5 weeks with the polish closer to 7. I believe the hybrid and the silver laced Wyandottes are Roos though am desperate that they arn’t ! Can anybody...
Hi all! i posted 6 weeks ago when we first got our chicks asking what breed they were. i got some answers that were very helpful but we have at least 8 different breeds and not all were identifiable at that age! she is very large and mostly black with some reddish brown.
this lovely lady is...