I have my first batch of pekins and have a a feeling they’re going to be mostly Roos haha so would love a second opinion and any thoughts on what colours they might be? I’m still wrapping my head around all the different types of colours! Any help would be more than appreciated!!
1- I’m...
Hi guys. First time posting here for a while. I’ve recently purchased 6 Blue/splash French copper maran. I’m quite new to the breed and was wondering if anybody has any ideas of gender.
They are 7 weeks old. Any reply’s would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou
I have 7 week old chicks, we live in Maine and the temps outside are now around 50-60 degrees F during the day and around 40 degrees F at night. Is this a safe temp to move them outside? The are fully feathered and we tested some time outside today. When I went outside to check on them before...
I have 8 silkies that are 7-7.5 weeks old. I need help figuring out the sex, but I know it's a little early. I can provide more pictures if that helps. My guess behaviorally is that I have a lot of roosters.
We hatched out a Green Queen (mom) and EE (dad) cross chick. Now that we are at 7 weeks hoping we can get some guesses if it’s a cockerel or pullet.
We go back and forth between the two as it gets older. Mostly leaning towards cockerel though. Hoping for a pullet.