age of chicken

  1. D

    Can anyone guess my hens age?

    Hello all! I am a new chicken owner; I got two chickens a few days ago! Unfortunately I do not trust the place we got them from too much because although they seemed sufficiently (barely sufficiently) cared for, my chicken was definitely the victim of some bullying and pecking from other...
  2. R

    What is the breed, gender and age of this Chicken?

    Can anyone help me to decide it's gender,breed and age of this Chicken? Please help. And When will she start laying?
  3. Tintedwinged

    Help! New chick owner - cant identify and age this little chick

    Hi! I’m new to the chicken world and am slowly learning everything there is to know. I’m finding it difficult to know what breed, how old and what gender this little one is (it’s about ~11/12 weeks old, is my guess). It’s also almost positively a bantam. A farm had a late bloomer and the chick...
  4. Tmartin7711

    Is my silkie a hen or a rooster

    This is my Silkie Eco we got her/him about 5 weeks ago and the previous owner said she was about 4 to 6 weeks old. So she could be anywhere from about 9 to 11 weeks. Could someone tell me about how old she is. Also if she is a rooster or not, she almost attempted at crowing but it wasn't a full...
  5. BuffManM

    Blue Silkie genders

    Hi there, This is one for any silkie experts, or really anybody who might have an idea. I recently purchased 6 blue silkies (16 weeks old) and was wondering if anybody could advise me of the genders. I have posted the pictures and labelled them 1-6. Also as it’s my first time keeping silkies...
  6. BuffManM

    Male or female

    Hi there, This is one for any silkie experts, or really anybody who might have an idea. I recently purchased 6 blue silkies (16 weeks old) and was wondering if anybody could advise me of the genders. I have posted the pictures and labelled them 1-6. Also as it’s my first time keeping silkies...
  7. M

    How to tell how old a chicken is??

    We bought some chickens a mixture of pullets and cockerels, we were told they(females) were just starting to lay. Now months later I’m starting to think some of them were older birds. A few of them have always laid large brown eggs, but they were the skinner chickens that looked more stressed...
  8. A

    Rescued hen not laying

    Hi all! About a month ago, I rescued a d’Uccle Mille Fleurs hen that had somehow gotten into a neighbors back orchard. She looks fairly young, certainly not too old to lay, but she has yet to lay any eggs. Does anyone more familiar with the breed have any tips on encouraging laying?
  9. fenixsk

    White Leghorn Age

    These four are 10 weeks old according to the people we bought them from, but they look older to me? Can anyone help me out with a guess? Looking forward to some fresh free-range eggs!
  10. Catbutts

    When do my girls going to lay an egg? (Picture attached)

    I bought 2 Hybrids hen 16 days ago. The shop owner said that they are going to lay an eggs around 2 days after I bought but it's been 2 weeks and 2 days! So I just wondering, when are they going to lay an egg. 🐓🐔
  11. I

    Can anyone tell me how old they believe these pullets are?

    We bought six pullets. Two each of three breeds. We were given the same hatch date for all of them, but I'm not convinced it was correct. Any thoughts on the age of our girls? Please forgive the lack of diversity in the photo. No one wanted to come out of the coop at that moment and the...
  12. Cocohens

    Wyandotte & Laying

    Hi 👋 just wondering if anyone can tell me what age Wyandotte’s stop laying at? I took on a 2yr old Hen about a month ago and she is yet to lay... Thanks so much! coco
  13. nszrmch

    Age of new chicks??

    Hi all! We just got some lovely little additions to our chicken family today! Two amberlinks, one production blue, and one rhode island red. Got them at the local feed store. They look bigger than I remember our last chicks from a couple years ago were.. I could be wrong but wouldn’t mind some...
  14. Nellylee

    How old are my chicks?

    I got my chicks from tractor supply the day they came in (I was calling everyday to see if they had a shipment). I know Barred Rocks grow more quickly, but I don’t want to put them outside full time and risk it being too soon. We have had weather outside in the 90’s in Arizona during the day and...
  15. sxulpxnk

    Help me pin the age of these chicks!! New chick dad needs help!

    Hi there! I'm Micah and I am new to this community, as well as the crazy wonderful world of owning chickens. My parents and I bought 4 pullet chicks on March 22nd from our local Bomgaars store. We bought 2 amberlinks (the 'twins') and 2 dominiques (one of whom we call Gita) but sadly the...
  16. itsbrittanypearl

    What breed is Nugget??? 🐤🐤🐤

    This little sweetie came to my family last April and after all this time of thinking she is a Cinnamon Queen, I just want some other opinions 🙂 Thanks in advance!
  17. ChickChic00


    Looking to know what breed these bantam chickens are. Only have 1 picture rn.
  18. Scissors65

    Confused about my New Hampshire Pullets

    My girls are 14 weeks old. I purchased them at TS. I was wondering why my Scarlet has a bigger wattle than her sister Ruby? Could she possible be older? Or does it just vary by the pullet? Oh, I just had to add a Scarlet butt photo, it is just so darn cute! Thanks for your help!
  19. Sacri

    When will I get eggs?

    I got my chickens on Feb 28th, so 16 weeks ago. It was my understanding they were already a few days old. (here is a pic from that day) They are Rhode Island Reds and EE. My Reds are starting to show more red and a few of each breed will shut some if I run my hand gently over their backs. I...
  20. The Hen Pecked House

    One chick is sneezing, and I’m not sure on age.

    So I’m guessing my chicks are about a week old? I’m wanting an age preference. The one is the runt and the other one is alittle bigger. And tips on getting them to not run from you in the coop, or is that normal where they are so young? Thanks a bunch my lovely chicken friends. ALSO the...
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