Hello, I have 2 americauna chickens that are about 7 months old. Neither is laying or crowing. I have 5 other hens that are about the same age all of which are laying now. I thought maybe they are roosters but they are near the bottom of them pecking order and do not try to protect the flock...
Supposed to be a pullet but I know I likely have 1 rooster already in my flock of chicks and wanting to not have more. Any ideas? I have heard that these are hard to sex. He/she is about 4/5 weeks old.
Well, I know that time will tell but I just want to know. Hopeful that some of you may have greater confidence than I on determining the gender of 3 of my 9 week old. Americauna/Easter eggers? Yes, They are all the same age, hatched April 1st and 2nd. I'm pretty sure about Cal (the bright red...