
  1. O

    Mites and Lice in a Flock

    Hey everyone. I have been a chicken keeper for 1.5 years now, so still new. I have 47 birds in different stages between 3 separated runs. *I have had my first lice AND mite infestation. My main question is how severe can symptoms from lice and mites get from these infestations? I had one die...
  2. B

    3 month old Polish roo anemic and suddenly blind

    Hello, I am desperate for advice! Three days ago we found our 3 month old Polish all lethargic, sitting quietly in the middle of the coop. I brought him in and recognized he was anemic (pale wattles, crest, face, weak). My guess is that the grown up hens or other roosters did not let him eat...
  3. Ghost

    To help combat anemia, how much iron is too much iron? (-Did I help kill my rooster friend?....)

    -For a shorter version, read the "TL;DR" in red, below ⬇... On the 1st of December, 2021, we lost a beloved rooster friend of ours, Jack (~a 3.5yo Red Orpington, 3-4kg). For probably at least 2.5 months before his death, he had (mostly secretly) been battling little swarms of parasitic mites...
  4. agold23

    Possibly anemic hen due to mites ADVICE NEEDED ASAP

    I have a 1 y/o silkie hen who has really been having a rough go the past few days. I was handling her the other day, looking for mites and I couldn’t find any physically on her but when I got inside I found 3 crawling on my arm so I figured she (as well as the rest of my flock) must be...
  5. thenovicehen

    Lame hen - need guidance please

    A little back story first: New to chicken keeping; got our flock of four 5-6mo old pullets in April. About a month ago, I brought one of my hens (Tina) inside because she was keeping one eye closed and isolating herself. It was a little crusty and cloudy so flushed her eye with saline and...
  6. Goosebaby

    A gander with mysterious chronic illness

    Parsnip has had an ongoing illness or illnesses since last year, it started with his bill changing color, he was expieriencing symptoms of liver disease and/or pancreatitis, the two other threads addressing that are here...
  7. Goosebaby

    What turns a goose beak yellow?

    I’m receiving conflicting information and I’m honestly confused. A normal Toulouse goose’s beak should be orange, persimmon seems to be the exact shade mine generally have. I’ve read that if their bill turns yellow it’s a sign of jaundice, like in chickens when their comb turns yellow. But...
  8. Goosebaby

    Gander refusing to eat

    My gander Parsnip hasn’t willingly eaten anything besides his favorite treats (blueberries, grapes) in the last two weeks. His digestion has been slow so I know he was constipated though I didn’t know if it was because of a partial blockage, inflammation, or another issue. The last few days he’s...
  9. T

    does my chicken have worms or anemia?

    This morning when I went to go check on my chickens, I noticed my chicken, Gertrude, would not leave her coup. My other chicken ran out right away. Gertrude also suddenly has a very light pink waddle, and comb, and has lost a few pounds. She has also struggled with pooping all over her feathers...
  10. emelle116

    Damaged Tail Feathers

    Today I noticed that one of my pullets (3.5 months old) has pieces missing from her tail feathers (picture included). I also found 4 large, healthy looking tail feathers lying in her coop. Her tail is noticeably less full than those of my other 3 pullets. The rest of her feathers look fine. I...
  11. Casper417

    5 year old Rooster weak on legs possible mites?

    Hi everyone, I have a 5 year old silkie rooster he's been acting not quite himself for about a week, i searched him for mites but can't seem to see anything. We've had mites in the past that affected the chickens in the same way so i have been treating him with dust and xeno450 spot on. (The...
  12. bamachick86

    Slowly losing hens. Anemia?

    I lost one of my older hens a few weeks ago. We attributed it to old age—she just started slowing down, lost color in her comb, lost interest in food and then stopped roosting until she passed in the night. Well now I have another one showing similar signs, and I don’t think she’s as old as my...
  13. A

    Anemic Pullet/ nutrient definciency? Stomach growling

    So three of my chickens have come down with what appears to be anemia. We discovered red mites and then three pullets became very weak, two have legs that have become almost useless. And the same two have become unable to feed themselves. So all three sick ones are staying inside and the two...
  14. sevenpines

    Hello from the good ol’ “Show ME” state.... where yesterday, my good chicken-friend showed me LICE o

    Hello from the good ol’ “Show ME” state.... where yesterday, my good chicken-friend showed me LICE on my chickens!!! One was stepping very carefully, and then losing balance. Upon inspection, I see crawlies on her.... whitish to tannish transparent creatures and what my friend said are egg...
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